That awkward yoyo moment


Or when u switch to give them a plastic and they can’t use it right and say its cuz u used a better one and take the plastic and throw some sweet combos with it hahaha

that awkward moment when you were just chillin with your yoyo ,doing combos and all, and then people start coming by and looking at you, you start getting nervous and your hands are shaking uncontrollably, you don’t even know what you’re doing anymore

you get tangles and end up getting knot… the shows shamefully ends there… you feel like s***t

puts yoyo back in pocket and wait like everyone else for the train

When people ask if you’re excited to see them and then you pull a yoyo out of your pocket…but it turns out you are excited to see them…now that’s akward… ;D

that awkward moment when a fifth grader quite literally rips your MINT speedaholic out of your pocket, throws it down then tugs, then takes it off of his finger, says “this is the worst yoyo ive ever tried!!!” and KICKS IT because it wont come back up… happened to me today while I was hanging out w/ my friend at the park… :’( :’( :’(

Find the kid, tell him it is destruction of personal property. Make him pay you the price of a new one.

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and tell him it was worth $50 lol

That yoyo was made from imported Chinese crafted high quality top of the line polycarbonate and used a stainless steel custom 8-ball yoyo axle bearing.

… when i had to explain … to several people the past couple of days … Why my lip was bruised over the weekend :-\ .

As soon as someone hears “I was playing with my yoyo…” they tune out everything after that.

So trying to explain that my string was longer than usual paired with my muscle memory of dodging “permission throws” with a shorter string …

I could see the “You lost me at PLAYING WITH YOUR YOYO” look on their face.

When you cut the wrong end of your yoyo string and have to make the walk of shame to the trash can.

So I was using my purple flyer and a bunch of kids were watching me, so I took a break and put it in my pocket. After a few minutes, I took out my green speedaholic and started playing. Next thing I know, these kids are yelling HOW DID IT TURN GREEN!!


Thats a good one

It really happened though haha

That awkward yoyo moment when you cut your string short, and you’re wondering what to do with the wasted string.

when your finger doesn’t slip out of the bind loop when you bind and you make yourself look like an idiot ;D

In a tab this thread is called “That awkward yoyo mom”
Great idea for a new thread.

When you are showing some people a trick. You start with a split bottom mount or Boingy boing. Miss and the yo-yo hits you right in your fat belly. Everyone makes an awkward face. ::slight_smile:

when some random person walks by and sees you bind and yells at the top off his lungs “we got a yo yo ninja over here”

that’s not awkward that’s awesome lol

I was waiting with my brother outside an AT&T store while waiting for someone having a transaction inside. During the wait, I whipped out my almighty and amazing plastic yo-yo. I was still learning Boingy-Boing. I was trying it out and was failing A LOT.

I finally managed to pull off a boingy boing on the spot like 4 boings then my yoyo twisted and got off the string configuration. I heard people making happy/cheering noises. When I did a brain twister, they went nuts lol. I turned around only to find out a whole crew of AT&T workers watching smudged up across a huge glass window/wall.

Embarrassed, I put my yo-yo back in my pocket and went inside to check up on the person we were waiting for. Once inside, they asked me to Walk the Dog and Rock the Baby.

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