That awkward yoyo moment

That awkward moment when you miss your mount and whack your nuts while demoing your cool new trick to your wife. True story.


When you pop your own jaw when doing Headlock. :stuck_out_tongue: (been there, done that)

Practice for Sports Ladder for a year and then mess up on one of your first five tricks on the list during the contest. (Never done that; but it’s possible)

Buy a yoyo that you expected to be bigger an then end up with a pocket yoyo in your collection. (did that with my Token; I thought it was a full-sized yoyo) :stuck_out_tongue:

That awkward moment when 5 people are watching you yoyo and you hit yourself in the face with a yoyo :frowning:

When you repeatedly miss a bind and someone says “oh you’re good”

Gah, I hate when this happens!

How about that awkward moment when you’re trying to show off when people are watching, and you pull off your flashiest combo perfectly…only to have a really sloppy bind and miss your catch.

Exactly! Thats happened so many times

How about when you get an axle knot when your showing off a combo but you keep on going so your yoyo smacks you in the hand

what I do is if I get an axle not while showing off I simply unscrew my yoyo and say “heres what the inside of a yoyo looks like” and then I remove the knot and put the yoyo back together and the audience doesnt even notice (well it works most of the time)

I did that once. Nobody noticed what I did.

Lol nice I will definitely do that next time it happens :smiley: haha

yea it works pretty good

Speaking of axle knots, when I got one, I Opened up my pinnacle and my bearing popped out and half of my yoyo rolled under an isle and I was looking under it and the worker was like " may I help you"

Awkward! LOL

When someone ask you if you can walk the dog, then reply in sarcasm “No” when in reality you dont want your brand new shutter to get damaged

That awkard moment when your street performing with a dinged up yoyo and the dings catch your face and you have to hold back the tears while a bruise/gash forms, and you start cyring silently, and someone notices (true story)

you mean a gash just like this…lol only I didn’t cry, hubstack genesis can be a lethal weapon…lesson learned, always unknot your yoyo before setting it down…literally just happened, I may have lost a little eye sight…

Ouch! that will leave a mark

Yoyos are dangerous people :smiley: haha

That akward yoyo moment when a cute girl is watching you play and when you look over and smile you smack yourself in the face with your yoyo.