TESRACT by Japan Technology! - Powerful Competition Bi-metal!


Japan Technology presents the TESRACT, the second signature bi-metal model for two-time Japan National 1A Champion, Kohei Nishimura! Built for absolute precision and control, this yo-yo is designed to match Kohei’s elite-level playstyle, pushing boundaries with seamless execution and powerful spins.

Matte-Silver-Shiny-Black-Ring-Tesract Matte-Silver-Shiny-Black-Ring-Tesract-02 Matte-Silver-Shiny-Black-Ring-Tesract-03

A successor to the Fractal, the TESRACT refines the design with a more proportioned stainless steel rim, slightly wider profile, and increased weight distribution for unmatched stability. The name is inspired by the “Tesseract,” a four-dimensional hypercube—symbolizing Kohei’s ability to manipulate space and movement with incredible fluidity. This yo-yo transforms every motion into controlled, high-speed performance, allowing for effortless acceleration and pinpoint accuracy.

With a futuristic aesthetic and a play feel that blends power and finesse, the TESRACT is built to elevate Kohei’s journey to the top. Whether you’re chasing precision combos or unlocking new levels of control, this is a competition-driven bi-metal designed to meet the demands of champions. Experience the TESRACT and take your play into the next dimension!


Anyone else see G2 Wraith here?


Seems very similar or inspired by maybe…


Tesract is an iteration on the Fractal (2022) which is itself an iteration on the Shaqshine (2016) and Shaqshine FG (2020)


man i wish JT revealed what alloy did they used coz for that price is an overkill for me


Just get a G2 Wraith. This is just a copy right down to the hub design.


Japan Tech has been using a similar hub to the tesract for a long time. The Shaqshine I mentioned from 2016 and even the Mirage from 2019


please do basic research before shouting stuff like this, it’s damaging to everyone

As @OhDavidBowie said, here’s the 2016 Shaqshine

The 2019 Mirage:

The 2020 Shaqshine FG:

The 2020 Mirage:

The 2022 Fractal:

The 2023 Obtuse:

They’ve been using this motif for almost a decade now.


Let’s not go down this road on yet another pair of unrelated yo-yos. Both yo-yos have a very standard comp profile and the hub design is not that distinctive. It’s no more a copy of the Wraith than any other pair of similar-ish comp yo-yos are copies of each other.


One is 1mm+ larger in diameter while also being a half gram lighter. These are different yo-yos.


Even the profile from these much older JT yoyos are very similar to the tesract


There is too much cross-pollination of ideas and inspiration to be making accusations of outright copying. The fact that the TESRACT and the Wraith look almost exactly the same is largely coincidence, perhaps with a dash of inspiration. We won’t know for sure who inspired whom without input from JT or G2 Jake.

I mean… Not really. JT has been iterating on this design for nearly a decade


And just to be clear, in my original post I was not criticizing JT of copying a design, they are an incredible company that has been making stellar designs for a long time. I was simply noting similarities and drawing a comparison.


I mean, tbh, the TESRACT favors the Wraith more than any of those in terms of looks. Not accusing anyone, though. As @hsb pointed out, their specs are significantly different.

Kohei Nishimura used the tesract for worlds 2024. He was probably using it for a long time. Which just doesn’t line up with the release date of the wraith. Which seems more likely:

Jake was inspired by some similar design trends, specifically the draupnir, or that JT as soon as the Wraith design specs were released, created a similar yoyo, machined and prototyped it quickly enough for Kohei to use it at worlds


IMO, Tesract looks most similar to Obtuse. The obvious difference is the shape of the ring, but that is consistent with the lower overall diameter and lower angle at the rim.

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Fair enough. I think the inner rim design, and - as you mentioned - the flatter angle of the rim on the Tesract makes me see the Wraith a bit more, but there are certainly similarities in appearance among all three. Either way, the main thing is that while it looks similar to the Wraith, it’s not a carbon copy.


This is just 6 pictures of the wraith?


I find this more concerning.