This is giving me vibes from the miracle
Hopefully the one that was pictured was just a bad press fit and they all aren’t like that.
If you zoom in closely on any yo-yo, you’ll notice a small natural gap where multiple materials come together - that’s completely normal! I’ve personally tried this exact yo-yo, and it plays as smooth as butter. As always, if you purchase one from us (or any yo-yo for that matter), we’re happy to replace it if there are any playability issues or manufacturing defects!
From Japan Technology
TESRACT has a small gap at the joint between the rim and the body.
There have been bimetal models in the past, such as the SHAQSHIN FG, that had the same gap, but this is a design specification.
This is a design specification. Please be assured that the string is designed so that it will not fall or break in the gap.
I disagree, Eric. It is not.
Having handled thousands of yoyos in 20 years as a yoyo maker, it is not.
Selling an oversight or a processing issue as a feature or calling it a specification does not sit right with me.
Remember the „design specification“ of the eetsit? No? Well that‘s because Anti-Yo did not try to sweep it under the rug.
That said, I doubt this will be a problem at all playwise (excuse my wording „concerning“ above), but not standing up for mistakes (we all make) is sad.
IMO, they aren’t selling it as a feature. They are simply stating that the gap is common to this design so that buyers are not concerned that theirs was defective or damaged, and so that those who are bothered by the gap are forewarned to not buy this yo-yo.
This kind of terse disclaimer seems fairly common among Japanese brands.
They state it is specified like this, and this I doubt. Why would you do that, especially when you have to „explain“ yourself afterwards?
I remember a Japanese brand urging players to not unscrew their yoyos, because their seats were machined so tight, they would get damaged when unscrewing.
Again, I don‘t want to trash anyone here, I bet the yoyo plays great. But I dislike such practices.
For 200$ it better not vibe
Specified to the shop that produced it or specified to the person reading the disclaimer?
This isn’t a case of warning people to not do normal yo-yo things with the yo-yo.
I wonder if something got lost in translation? Like they meant to say, we know this happened, its within tolerance for our machine shop, shouldnt affect play but be forewarned.
Because I doubt they actually designed the yoyo to have a gap there.
They might hold back any vibe-y ones for Kohei who, according to JT, always used B-grade or lower Fractals.
I think that the phrase “specification” is either ambiguously translated or understood to mean something. . . specific. . . when used in this way by Japanese brands.
Take another example, from a different brand:
Please note that small scratches on the rim will be considered as product specifications, as small scratches on the rim will be created during the manufacturing process of the stainless steel rim.
I doubt that they requested scratches and it certainly isn’t true that all stainless rims are scratched. Even among their own brand, other yo-yos with stainless rims do not carry this disclaimer.
Maybe JT anticipated the gap. Maybe they were informed early and green-lighted the run anyway. Maybe they only found out about it when the run was delivered. In any case, they don’t see it as a problem for the product and are warning buyers to expect it.
Yeah, I totally get what you mean! I can see how the gap might be a concern for some customers. But after spending time with this one - and Japan Tech yoyos in general - I’m really impressed with their quality.
Looking at it up close in person, the separation is barely noticeable. You’d really have to hold it at just the right angle and shine a light a certain way to even see it LOL.
Even if some gaps aren’t perfectly flush, as long as there’s no vibe and it doesn’t affect the string or playability, it’s all good in my book! That said, if any customer isn’t happy with how a product plays or has any defects, we’re always happy to replace it.
Also holy moly I had no idea you were the owner of ILYY haha - great yoyos and didn’t realize you still make them!!
Yeah, I think that‘s the case. It‘s unfortunate but trashing a batch because of this makes no sense.
Being upfront about it is the way to go, I‘m all for that. But framing it as intentional is what triggers me.
We should sell some via YYE then!
I don’t see the same framing but the way these disclaimers are phrased leaves room for interpretation. I think that “specification” in this context simply means - “we are specifying the condition of the product for sale.”
It has a ‘smooth vibe’.
On a more serious note, let’s talk about beans.
Beans will be the subject of my response.
Actually, the primary subject of my response is addressing that little airspace that is seen between the Ring and the body of this new yo-yo.
Here’s where the beans come in>
If anybody from the company or representing the company or a player sponsored by the company is somehow compelled to suggest that little gap was intentionally built in the design? Well, they are full of beans.
If anybody affiliated with the construction and the sales and the use of this particular new yo-yo, wants to put both feet in the approximate area of their teeth and say well that’s the way it’s supposed to be? Well… They are full of beans.
If anybody would be bold enough to step forward and say oh boy, that yo-yo sure plays even better than I thought it would. And it’s probably because that well designed airspace was built into the yo-yo to help it spin through the contaminated air in the atmosphere of this planet, we call earth. Well, I would say they are also Undoubtedly, irrefutably, insurmountably, and obviously full of beans.
If somebody anybody everybody and a couple nobody’s would simply step up and say that this new yo-yo is an excellent playing yo-yo… It’s a really good looking yo yo-yo… It might just be my dream. Yo-yo… It plays at a high performance level even with that machining flaw built into the design Unintentionally, On a kind because they should’ve captured that error in the Proto stages And we wouldn’t need to be talking about this right now.
Then the truth will set you free. That little gap between the ring and the body was in direct result of a manufacturing miscalculation. If that designed mistake is equally a mistake in every pair of matching halves, I absolutely doubt that it should have any negative results in the performance of the yo-yo. I don’t expect that it would vibe. I don’t expect that it would wobble. I don’t expect that it would affect spin time and I certainly don’t think a string would get caught in it. And even if a string could get caught in it… Let’s face of folks if your string gap alignment is that far off that your string is gonna hit the yo-yo where that little slot is then you got more problems than a $200 yo-yo with a little tiny space between the ring and the body.
If nothing else, I think the primary negative aspect here is that when people spend considerable amount of money for a yo-yo… And I know there are yo-yos that cost five to $700 and more. So when you consider the spectrum of yo-yo prices, some people might say well $200 is not that much Blah blah blah. A Mustang is five or 600 bucks. An Aerodynex Ti is $700… whatever? The bottom line is $200 is still a good chunk of change. And when somebody spends that much for a yo-yo, they’re obviously gonna go over it with a fine tooth comb expecting to get their moneys worth.
And when somebody finds what looks like a glaring defect, even though it might have absolutely no effect on the functionality of the yo-yo, the cost suggest that the problem is bigger than life and somebody better be able to explain it
OK, I just explained it. The company makes excellent yo-yos. I don’t think the prices are that far off for the performance and the quality of the products that they deliver. In every company, no matter how high their standards, screws up once in a while. This was their turn. They screwed up. They should’ve fixed that flaw in the Proto stages And we wouldn’t be having this Conversation now.
On the other hand if this was a $30 yo-yo and somebody pointed out that gap, somebody else would say hey it’s a $30 yo-yo what would you expect? But I certainly wouldn’t want to see that little gap on a yo-yo that must say cost maybe like $200.
Anyway, if anybody can actually see through the veil of fantasy and know a simple screwup when they see it, thank you because that’s all this is just an oops. We screwed up but the yo-yo still plays pretty damn good.
Thanks for participating in this reality check and if I ever meet you in person, I will gladly buy you a bowl of beans for a lot less than $200🤓
PS… here is a close up of one of Crackouts designs.
If you notice when looking at the very outer edges, the corners of the ring And half have been slightly rounded. Slightly relieved edges Allow whatever finishes are applied to have a better wear factor And allow for the overall fit of part to part to be very precise.
…… If you stare at the very outer point where the ring and body merge, it almost appears to be an optical illusion. You might think, wow look that’s a gap? But it isn’t. And the fit a ring to body is perfect.
Technically, speaking realize that bi-metal yo-yo that has the rings attached to the body in that manner, can possibly and will probably have a tiny gap between the two parts. But the gap would be hidden internally. It could be there, but you’ll never see it because it’s on the inside and that can be intentionally designed into the yo-yo. For the simple reason that maybe when the makers are pressing the parts together, they don’t want it to completely bottom out, So the parts will be flush on the outside, but they’ll be a little margin or void on the inside. But as long as the parts are seated against each other, it won’t matter and you’ll never know.
Here is the beautiful work of Dominik on a $100 yoyo. Crackout knows what he’s talking about.
Like I already said pretty much, to the untrained eye you look at those slightly rounded edges and the illusion is that you’re looking at an airspace or void, Similar to the one that got this thread rolling.
But the shadowing just gives an impression and the fit up is actually gap free.
And no doubt what you see in that image, he did deliberately, L O L.
FWIW (just trivia, IMO) an 18k gold plated Mustang U is more than twice that, and there are two for sale right now with differences in the ring junction noted. There are no specifics, but It looks like a minuscule gap difference on one half of one yo-yo. Whatever it is, the customer is expected to notice something off, and buy it anyway.
In my opinion none of these resemble the Wraith or Tesract besides the Obtuse, which was released in April 2024. The Wraith was unveiled November 2023. It may just be a big coincidence, an unintentional copy. When I look at it I see a Wraith.
If you look at the specs it’s actually heavier wider and smaller by half a gram, half a millimeter, and one millimeter respectively which can make the Yoyo play totally different. I also would not go accusing any company without having played with both models, if you have played with both, and can confirm the that play EXACTLY the same then we may have a conversation but with the difference in specs and probably weight distribution I doubt they are carbon copies.