PLACTAL by Japan Technology! - Hybrid Powerhouse! - Signature Yoyo of 2023 Japan National Champion Kohei Nishimura!

Introducing the PLACTAL, the signature model of Kohei Nishimura, the 2023 Japan National Champion. Crafted with a polycarbonate (PC) body, aluminum (AL) core parts, and a stainless steel (SUS) rim, this yo-yo is designed to compete with the metal models dominating the 1A competition scene.

Translucent-Pink-Matte-Black-Ring-Plactal Translucent-Pink-Matte-Black-Ring-Plactal-02 Translucent-Pink-Matte-Black-Ring-Plactal-03

Developed meticulously over an extended period, the PLACTAL inherits its rim shape from the early model FRACTAL and JET, ensuring optimal performance. Despite its plastic body, the rim boasts significant weight, surpassing even the Japan Technology bi-metal models like FRACTAL. JT’s unique approach to joining the body and rim required months of fine-tuning to overcome challenges and achieve stable production.

The PLACTAL represents an amazing fusion of high-end plastic and stainless steel rim technology, marking a new era in yo-yo design by JAPAN TECHNOLOGY.


I’ve been really curious about this thing. We need more hybrids targeting high end performance, but the price is still a bit hard to swallow.


Kinda looked like an iceberg. It also look amazing


The yoyo looks sick but the word plactal kinda reminds me of the words plastic and rectal combined.


Plastic Fractal = Plactal.

Although this is undoubtedly an epic plastic/metal; the price is a real impediment to purchase. So many other throws to spend that kind of money on.


I just scrolled to the price and thought the exact same thing… you can buy a Speedaholc FX AND and Iceberg and not spend that much.

I get they need to make their money back but l that’s a silly price for that throw. May as well be a bimetal.

I believe the Turduccen trimetal is cheaper. A One Drop Cerakote and change.


To be fair bimetal version is $250…


Basically me at everything by Japan Technology, their prices are seriously insane.

Great yoyos, I tried a couple and they were all amazing but them come with not even a box (an awful synthetic sachet) and that’s it, for the price is a bit too hardcore


Does the Plactal hiss during play like a all the other plastic/metal throws I have? Anyone know?

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That price isn’t very Plactical…

No doubt JT makes excellent yo-yos.

And… it’s not the money to me. $140 is birdseed to me.

But this is one of those instances where logic and reason and justification come into view.

Costing 2 times the cost of an Iceberg, yet no obvious justification for such a bump for a Hybrid.

To me, it almost feels like JT is trying to set a new Benchmark for Hybrid yo-yo prices.

Staring at the pic I provided will not allow anybody to decide which one plays better, lol. I understand that.

I’m just trying to convince myself there is a legit reason(s) to ‘bounce’ that high? To convince myself ‘it has to be worth it, right…. At that price it must have a little magic dust sprinkled on it?

…. A man walks into a fast food place. The kid has some what would you like today? The man says I’d like a cheeseburger. The kid asked him which cheeseburger would you like? The man says just the cheeseburger. The kid says we have two cheeseburgers. We have a $30 cheeseburger and we have a $60 cheeseburger, the man says what’s the difference?

The kid says the $30 cheeseburger is $30 and the $60 cheeseburger is twice as much as the $30 cheeseburger.

The man says I’ll take the $30 cheeseburger. And put a little iceberg lettuce on it.

PS… as the replies roll in, I must clarify that I never said the Plactal wasn’t worth the price. I stated that I don’t ‘see’ why it should be double the cost of another well playing hybrid?

I have plenty of JT stuff and it’s All excellent.

As more excellent reviews on this yo-yo come in, it will be much easier to not be concerned with the price and to be more concerned with buying one.


Is there are reason that the price spread among hybrids should be less extreme than the price spread among bimetals, monometals, plastics, wood fixed-axles. . .

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I have this one and for me it’s phenomenal. The best playing yoyo I’ve ever played. There is one that I have that is right there with it but it’s wider. Machined plastic hybrid doesn’t mean it’s cheaper quality, it’s just a different material to work with. Also, I wouldn’t say that the Yoyofactory Bimetal named model is at the level of say the Klondike. Large cost difference and both perform well. If all I cared about was a well playing yoyo maybe not amazing but gets the job done I would buy a Shutter and be done.


Price doesnt indicate anything about the quality of the yoyo. There is a ton of factors that go into the price.

It can be a bit of a measuring stick, sure. But this price definitely doesnt jive.

It especially doesnt work considering you can get monometals that peobably perform just as well, or bimetals that will outperform it, for a lot less.


Price seems pretty in-line with the brand and the yo-yo it is based on.

I tend to doubt that price is significantly based on either cost of raw materials or any attempt to objectively measure performance.

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I remember reading a post by YYF Ben saying hybrids could be better than bimetals but high end ones aren’t made because of market demand.

It you think about it plastic is lighter than aluminum, so they allow for even more extreme weight distributions.

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For the record, you are saying the Plactal is the best yo-yo you have ever played?

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Yes, performance wise. I’m thinking you would like

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Does the Plactal have the normal plastic-hybrid hiss that models like the Iceberg have?

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Out of the box with the stock bearing (that seems to be somewhat lightly lubed) it’s actually quite a bit more quiet than I would’ve thought. With a loud, clean bearing I’m thinking it’d be more like other plastics/hybrids though.


Yes, there is a bit of it. Not annoyingly loud but it’s there.

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