Surprise at Disneyland

Went to DisneyLand with my family today to see the fireworks
On our way back from dinner at a restaurant, we had some time before the fireworks started, so I wandered around and found the Duncan Store (cart)

To my surprise, I saw both James Reed and Anthony Rojas

Cool guys, talked a little, and was able to try out the new Bi-Metal Pulse-Fire and have this to say;
You will not be disappointed. Also, it was much smoother than I expected, along with really nice looking anno.

Fun surprise :slight_smile: Good thing i brought along my Nobunaga

That sounds like an awesome experience!!!

I’ll be visiting this booth again come August (on my arrival day of the trip), just to see what’s all going down over there, and do some pin trading too! Of course I’ll have some yoyos with me.