Everyday yoyo stories that don't need their own thread.

Exactly what’s on the tin. This is a thread for little stories, thoughts, achievements, or otherwise that might not justify starting a thread all its own.

There’s a crosswalk with a long wait on the way to my internship site, where I like to take a few seconds to yoyo if I know I can spare it. I pulled one out of my backpack pocket and threw until I could cross the street. That night, on my way back across the same crosswalk, I spot my counterweight and string, something I also kept in my backpack, about a foot into the road from the curb. It was a rapidfire “oh hey” snatch moment that I’m sure looked bizarre to anyone looking; some weirdo spontaneously grabbing this gooble-bobble on the side of the road and stuffing it in his pocket. I’m just surprised and glad that it didn’t disappear, considering I had no idea I had even dropped it. Wonder what passers-by thought it was… eyes can’t miss it if it’s neon yellow all over.

You can tell this is an excuse to share something silly, but that just gives you all a reason to do the same thing.

I was trying to record a short clip of a trick I’m working on and had a breakaway go wrong. The yoyo did a world tour and ride the metal rail on my loft bed. Luckily no marks on my yoyo.

And, this happened the day after getting my Borealis.

Yoyo Story: I met James Reed in Downtown Disney at the Duncan over the weekend. We talked for a little while about yoyo stuff while my family was shopping. Cool guy.

I’ve been down there. Duncan has a bunch of cool guys that hang out down there. Sean Perez, Bryan Jardin, James Reed, Sebastian Brock, and many more awesome people.

I met him on my recent trip to Disney. Knowing that I might see him down there, I had my Pulsefire with me. We discussed yoyos, I let him try my Superstar '16 as he wanted to see how it played, and then I bought a barracuda from the kiosk before heading off out the park. Nice way to start the Disney trip :slight_smile:

Well, I have a few one time I got a free cinnamon bun while waiting in line at a famous breakfast resturaunt, I’ve also been in my local newspapers 2 times, and now I’m starting some, yoyo classes at my local library, they will be a thing this summer the dates are already set up.