OMG!! Yesterday was the coolest day ever! I live in Illinois, but we took a trip to Florida, and arrived yesterday. We were in Disney World, and I saw these 2 girls and their dad playing with kendama’s right in the middle of everything. I asked them where they got the ken’s at, and they said that there was this whole Duncan vendor near this T-Rex thing, or something. So me and my family slowly get there eventually and wow! It was so awesome there! There was this Philippine guy running the vendor, don’t remember his name, but he said he got 4th in Worlds last year. So it was awesome seeing him. But it gets so much better. There were these 2 other yoyoer’s from the Phill’s and one of them was a 7 time national champion, and another one was a champion a few times also. So we hung around at the little shop thing, and then we eventually all leave. Then, me and my dad went in to this cookie/chocolate store, and there we met those 2 Phill guys again! We talked a bit more, and I asked them a few questions, and then the coolest part of the whole day came. They let me try out this new Duncan throw that’s not going to be out until mid April! Not sure if I am allowed to say the name of it, but I am going to anyways. Look for the Duncan Torque, it is awesome, coming out soon. He said I was one in 6 people to try it out, it was so amazing. My dad took some pictures of us and everything then we left Disney Land for a few days. They said for me to come to this little gathering at the vendor at 6:30, and so I went. This vendor runner taught me how to mach whip, because I was having trouble with it. And then another guy taught me this easy way to practice the hidemasa hook, because I was having trouble with that. So we all hung around the mini store for a bit, people coming by and watching, amazed, and it was just so awesome. So yeah, look for the Duncan Torque also guys, it is a bit wide, but it is only going to be $40, which I think is totally worth it, and quite a bit better than the Shutter, for comparison, but that’s just me. Oh yeah, and my parents very surprisingly let me get a Duncan Strix, which I have been wanting for some time now. Best day ever!
Sounds awesome!
That just sounds like one of those perfect days that you’ll look back on in years to come with fond memories. Not only did you go to Disneyland, but you met yoyoers, got to try a proto duncan and got a new yoyo! Days just don’t get any better.
I went to Florida 10 years ago (got hit by hurricane Charlie, which was exciting) and Disneyland is just amazing. Everyone should go at least once. ;D
For future reference the people who work at the Duncan cart are Sean Perez, Bryan Jardin, and Noel Kunz.
Since Orlando is a common vacation place for my family, I really hope I can make it there someday.
I’d like to go to Disneyland some day. Been to Disney World and I can do without a repeat visit. Isn’t “World” the one in Florida, though? And “Land” is California?
Yep, you’re right. I literally just noticed that mistake before I read this comment, lol. Fixed it.
Very cool!
I learned that there’s a Duncan kiosk at Downtown Disney in CA’s Disneyland. I’ve yet to check it out.
That’s cool dude! Good for you.
Neat man you lucky!
I’m going to disney world this year and I plan on spending some time at the kiosk depending who’s there. What products did they have?
Yeah! i cant wait for you to come! I hope your cat gets better.
Really just some kendama’s and their own yoyo’s and different colored strings, but they have a pretty big selection though.
I want to go to Disney World now xD
Hey check out the Orlando yoyo club page on facebook! We meet every Monday afternoon at the Downtown Disney Duncan Cart.
Dang it!! Oh I wish I lived here and I was able to drive
That face made me laugh heh heh.
Ugh, im so jealous. Last year was my first time ever to Disney or in Florida period. It was my honeymoon and we LOVEEEEEDDDD it. Man I just want to be there…good for you man, sounds like Disney was even better for you.
I went to downtown Disney a week before they opened the stand in Cali
I was there recently and I met Sean and Bryan. I think what I threw was the first prototype of it. I don’t know if I was the first or something, but it was sweet.