I’ve tried an alpha crash and i was very impressed with how it felt. It felt smooth, with no vibe, and could handle horizontals. I am between getting two of these or two surges with shims, if necessary. Which is better?
forgot to add, should i get rwo of one of these or a rally?
I say it is up to you, I didn’t have the patience to wait for the Rally and I am kicking myself for not doing so, so get the Rally I believe it will blow away all those other plastic yoyos. ( except maybe the Yeti)
Yeah I’m hoping I don’t regret choosing the rally over the yeti. If I do I can always trade it or just save up… After all the yeti will be in the 40 range
Get that Rally son. Alpha Crashes are good, but rally, go for the Rally.
I am now removing the rally from the options, but thank you for all the feedback so far.
I don’t get how so many people in here can be recommending a yoyo they haven’t even thrown
I’ve owned a rally and preferred the play of my alpha crash to it
I really enjoy the Surge. I’m hoping to get the Alpha Crash at some point though.
And if we tried a prepro rally?
OP: Of those two I vote alpha crash. Between alpha crash and rally I say rally.
Ahh ok, then go for the Alpha. It is a very good plastic indeed and is basically all it is hyped up to be. One of the best plastics ive played.
Do you prefer it to the surge? I thought it handled horizontal better…
I don’t get how so many people in here can be recommending a yoyo they haven’t even thrown
I’ve owned a rally and preferred the play of my alpha crash to it
And if we tried a prepro rally?
OP: Of those two I vote alpha crash. Between alpha crash and rally I say rally.
Not sure about you but it normally takes me a couple days to get a true opinion of the throw
Now is the alpha more stable? And which is smoother and has a longer sleep

I don’t get how so many people in here can be recommending a yoyo they haven’t even thrown
I’ve owned a rally and preferred the play of my alpha crash to it
And if we tried a prepro rally?
OP: Of those two I vote alpha crash. Between alpha crash and rally I say rally.
Not sure about you but it normally takes me a couple days to get a true opinion of the throw
To get an absolute opinion yes, but I used one for a good couple hours at MWR and got a really good idea of it.
IMO the alpha crash is more stable and smooth than the surge. Just get it bro, you won’t regret it. (Hey that rhymes!)