Superman help

I’ve got all of the elements down, but the one thing keeping me from getting it very smooth is that last hop through your hand. if i practice just the second half of the trick I’m fine. when i do the trick in its entirety by the time i get to that part the triangle on my th that I’m hopping through is so small it makes it very difficult to get it up and through without hitting something

i can obv stick my finger in it and pull the triangle open, but that isnt a fix. is there a more natural way to adjust that triangle (or any similar element) and does anyone have any thoughts on where in the trick i might be able to prevent it from closing up in the first place?

hope im being clear and tia

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This is a bit of a tricky execution hurdle. But basically don’t chase the yoyo with your hands after you start the movement to swing through. If you keep your hands rock solid in place and just focus on the yoyo swinging in a true circular arc from where it started, it’ll work.

If you start moving your hands too much or don’t do it in one clean motion the arc of the yoyo will be changed and string segments will be pulled around in ways that make the triangle to swing through smaller. The more you try to adjust and compensate after you start the swing, the smaller you make the triangle.

You just gotta lock in and be confident with the initial swing.