Summit? Who's getting one? - Merged

All in a weekends work!

to sum this up if you are so tired of “hype” then stop posting in this thread and go somewhere else

even if you’re not down with the hype… you gotta admit the engravings on this one look really clean.

Actually CLYW art in general is really cool.

If you enjoy playing with a yoyo capable of beast like qualities, definitely pick this up.

I love CLYW, but I think the hype was a bit much for this one. Sure, it looks like a great yoyo, I just don’t like it when people go absolutely insane-crazy about it.

I guess I am a little confused…

I followed the news, I talked to the some of the people involved with making the thing, and I am stumped. Where exactly is the hype?

I’m not being a jerk here, I am serious… where is they hype on this one?

They people involved posted that they were making a creation, not months before but literally days before. Then they drew it up, prototyped it, refined it, tested it again, all in a weekend. Then they machined a small initial run, had it anodized, laser etched, assembled, packaged, and ready to be sold within a week. That isn’t hyping a product, that is getting stuff done. One of the things I do while running a yo-yo site is talk to company owners and ask questions… lot of questions. What happened here is unheard of as far as creating a brand new yo-yo is concerned.

Keep in mind that for a company like One Drop, who owns all the machines involved in carving the metal, it is still 2 WEEKS before they can actually sell a batch of yo-yos because they have to send them off for anodizing. It is even longer for CLYW and other companies like them that have to outsource to a machine shop they trust and then send off for anodizing. Not to mention that CLYW is a Canadian company that uses an anodizer located about two hours from my house here in Ohio.

Honestly, I don’t see hype from the companies at all. I see excitement, joy, creativity, and cooperation. All the things that make this hobby fun.

As for the players and their “hype”. Again, I don’t see it. You have fans from each camp getting excited that their company of choice is making a new yo-yo. One Drop is one of my favorite companies… I am SUPER excited about this new yo-yo. You then have fans who sit in BOTH camps that are excited because their two favorite companies have joined forces. For them, this is a Reese’s Cup moment, two great things in one package.

Again, I don’t see hype. I see excitement and I am all for it. Let people have their excitement, it is a hell of a lot better than the apathy that is being promoted by those that are screaming “too much hype”. If a kid wants to have their “fainting Beetles fan” moment over this new yo-yo then who is it truly hurting. But who’s going to listen to me? I am fine with the fans doing everything short of having an “Archimedes running through the streets naked shouting eureka” moment. Let’s keep our clothes on people.

Oh, and to answer the original question… I am going to get one and I will be writing a review on it.


Definition of hype: Extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion.

I am not seeing any of that at all. Like saintrobyn stated. It is excitement and joy. I mean people used to say that AntiYo went purely off hype. I remember seeing original Bapezillas that were used and vibey still sell for over $200 dollars. And I don’t call that hype, I call that collectors value.

Price is always a subjective thing. Some people can afford it some cannot. Also I do not believe you are really ever going to see a company selling to break even, how could they even afford to stay in business? They have to make money. I for one think it looks like a killer yoyo.

As for B/S/T values. Some stuff is going to have an increased value. I think the market fluctuates just like everything else. I cannot find a Majesty or KLR from General-yo for the life of me. So clearly they have some value. A year ago the yoyo community seemed larger, right now it seems a tad small, online anyway. There are always fluctuations in hobbies.

It was pretty funny yesterday, because while Chris was setting up his stand, Jensen shows up pretending to be a frantic buyer asking Chris, “Do you have any summits? Where are the summits?” xD.

I don’t know how many of you have met Jensen in person, but I personally felt he was a little bit goofier/stranger than I expected. Still an awesome player, though.

You obviously have not seen this video… BANANA TURNOVER!!! ;D


Throw a banana turnover throws a banana turnover into a wall

There have been yoyos with 10 times the hype this has, and non clyw ones too. The code 2 was so hyped I sat at the computer for 15minutes before release so I could be sure to get an orange one. It looks like the best design and shape ever, but I hated it, compared to what it was hyped up to be.

On the other hand, I don’t think this had hype. Even if it did, I wouldn’t call it hype because everyone that has one is saying they love it, and you wont find any on the BST either. SO nobody is getting rid of it, NOT EVEN SCALPERS! That means, it must be a darn good yoyo. I normally dont buy CLYW because normally it does get hyped too much, but this didn’t, plus it is far cheaper than I had expected. Granted it may end up 5-10$ more so YYE can make money, but that is cool.


Same with the code 2. Got an orange one, didn’t care for it. Not me. Traded it.

Sorry, double post.

This was posted in another Summit thread. For those that don’t know, The Machinist is Shawn, co-owner of One Drop. Going off his reply I think the price is set at $115.

If I had to make a guess I would say that the Summit will be $115 for solid colors and jump $10 to $15 for flashier ano jobs. I know they are going to have both options and honestly I want a solid color more just because the gorgeous laser engraving will get lost in those flashier ano jobs.

Well, sitting at the computer wont make it come out faster, and there is no line to wait in so no point in sitting there early.

This is great :smiley: lol

It’s a yoyo enhancement.

I got a light blue with orange side effects.

KJCostichIII got an aqua blue with purple side effects.