thnx guy s i can do a suicide but when a throw it over sometimes the loop is huge and i can totally hit it sometimes the loop is tiny
what can i do to make sure the loop is big almost every time i try. thanks ;D
I try to swing with woth of my hands. It sounds weird but that works for me. And also, if I don’t have good string tension the loop will come out really small and twisted. That’s all I got to help you out.
What I’ve noticed that helped me a lot is when you go over your throw hand, I almost kinda push down on the strings with my throw hand. For some reason that seems to open up the loop a bit, not that it works everytime, but it helped me a lot. I also don’t use both hands in motion, I use my non throw hand to swing it over, then just push down a bit with my throw hand. But you just have to try different little variations to find what works for you.
Hope that helped, good luck!
I agree…
Up till last week I was never able to do many suicides,in my past year and a half I had probly done only 20,(if even that many)and in the last wek I did atleast 100,due to swinging both hands AND instead of just throwing the yoyo over while it was in the middle of the string of the trapeeze,try to slide the yoyo closer to your hand before you let the loop fly…
It works well for me…
Makes a nice sized loop…
And something that is most important…
Make sure your string is not twisted…
Works best that way…
Good luck…
slide to ward which hand
Throw hand…