Suggestions for New Unresponsive YoYo

We’d like to buy our son a new unresponsive yoyo as a graduation gift. He’s into speed tricks and his favourite yoyo is the Flashback. Could you recommend a similar bimetal yoyo that would be good for speed tricks? Thanks.


Hi, first of all, welcome to the forums, secondly, what’s the price range?

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Duncan Grasshopper GTX. Can’t go wrong with it. Add it to your cart now!


There are so many great choices it’s hard to go wrong with just about anything. I really like the c3 krown st but I would recommend waiting to purchase things until June 6th national yoyo day because yoyoexpert usually does a discount code.


Ok, so here are my suggestions if price wasn’t an issue

  • Duncan Grasshopper GTX-Best Yo-Yo in my collection (A little on the slower side, but can do speed tricks)
  • Yoyorecreation Overdrive Draupnir (Fast. Like really quick)
  • The BOY is really good, but lacks a bit in stability and power, a more fun and chill throw. (Also Fast playing)
  • Outlier 2 (It’s BV’s yoyo, you can’t go wrong with it)

The KO knock-out bi-metal just released and its pocketbook friendly price of &49.00 is a No Brainer! Parents will love the cost!

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Then go ahead and purchase some good string for him to enjoy?
Like Sochi or YYE or zipline…

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Orbital GTX

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Thank you for all the great suggestions everyone! That really helps narrow the list.

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have you asked him what he wants? from my experience this is the best tactic


It’s really nice that you are taking an interest in his hobby. I agree that the Duncan Grasshopper GTX is an excellent yoyo at a really great price. I received one in a trade and was pleasantly surprised at how great this yoyo is. I think that it would make a really nice gift. But yes, I also agree with @hobby_master, it might be good to ask about his preferences, unless you are looking to make it a surprise.


We’d like to surprise him but it’s daunting trying to pick something out. I can’t believe how many different types of yo-yos there are! I really appreciate all of you taking the time to answer my question. I think we’ll go with the Duncan Grasshopper GTX based on people’s advice. The Outlier 2 intrigues me because our son watches Brandon Vu’s videos but I’m concerned it won’t arrive in time… maybe that’ll be an Xmas gift. Thanks again everyone :blush:


Of course I’m biased, but I have to put out the recommendation for the Sengoku Kenshin Kiwami. It is our most pure competition yo-yo, designed to be as good as possible for those fast tricks that really put the yo-yo to the test.

There are TONS of good options, but if you’re interested, I’d definitely check the Kenshin Kiwami out :+1:

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For speed tricks I’ll recommend the YoYoFriends Hummingbird and the MK1 x OPYOYOs Converge.

also make sure to look at his yoyos he currently has. does he have similar colors? are they all different colors? also make sure he doesn’t already have what you are considering.

If his favorite yo-yo is the flashback I would say something like the c3 known , the mk 1 converge , the yoyofriends peregrine, or maybe even the unprlld nostalgia . The nostalgia is the same company and it has inspiration from the flashback , so I think this would probably be at the top of the list if I were you .

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Wow! So many great options. Thanks so much everyone :slight_smile: