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Maybe not Nazis, but I’ve definitely heard of anti-Semetic Jewish people. The one that first comes to mind is Otto Weininger, a late Viennese philosopher.

Haha yes, I’m well aware, hence the eyeroll emoji. I only said that because that’s a semi-common criticism of Ben. I’ve been following him for a while.


What do you mean?

He’s not. He’s just a politician they call an “anti-semi” because he doesn’t share the same political views with them.


Cool me too!

@Nicholas_H Yeah book review is one of my favorite series he’s done. I read Brave New Word specifically because he spoke so highly of it. Great book!

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Cool! I read that one too! What are the odds!?!?!?!?

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Have you read any other of the books he’s recommended?

That’s pretty funny! I read brave new world cus of how he said it was like 1984 and I read that one just before book review and really liked that book.

I plan on reading Fahrenheit 451 soon even though he doesn’t like it but I have friends who really do. And I also plan on reading Man’s Search for Meaning.

Have you read any of his recommendations?

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Other than that one no, but I really liked what he was saying about this one book… the name escapes me but when I had time I was going to re-watch the video, find the book, and either get it from the library of buy it. Do you use kindle or you a hands on, real book kind of guy/girl. (not trying to discriminate)

I’m a guy, I read on the real paper material. Not really into the kindle but it’s probably cheaper than buying real books.


Yeah kindle is a bit cheaper. Amazon gives out some free books to download onto the kindle.

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Who lays fortnite?

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I started playing it late in S1. I really only play when my friends want to.

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Nice! I tried to play but my connection isn’t that great and it was lagging super bad.


You got the cake!

Who likes Markiplier or Jacksepticeye?

This is soo sad.

Can we get some F’s in the chat.
