UHM… YEAH that needs to happen.
all this time i thought it was pronounced poo-dye-pie
man i am far removed from the times…
I am too, because I don’t know why this needs to happen.
yeah, it’s obvious Dylan is better.
Who is this Pewdiepie person?
i’ve been thinking it was a little kid the past couple years… poo-dye-pie, the internet youtube kid star???
A big part of me is thankful that I don’t get out more
If you don’t know who he is then I would submit that you are at a point in your life where there is absolutely no reason you need to know who he is and can safely ignore him and all references to him.
It’s important because Pewdiepie has 100 million subscribers and it will make yoyo more popular.
Except that I imagine most of his followers can tell he isn’t being serious and will forget all about his faux yoyo antics by his next video.
Actually, what is happening with all this Pewdiepie and yoyos is awesome. Yoyoing is getting recognition on more general media entertainment outlets. A lot of posts of yoyoers you and I know are getting quite a bit of attention on Pewds’ subrreddit, which is, at the very least, cool.
Here are some of those.
The comments on all of those are hilarious and positive for the most part. It’s so cool to see people who mainly don’t know much about modern yoyoing be so entertained by it. Actually, there’s already a couple of users who have reported their presence on r/Throwers because they watched Pewds yoyoing IG stories, or because they saw yoyo posts on his subrreddit.
Anything that gives yoyoing positive exposure on the internet is cool imo, even more when you have seen how much hate yoyoing can get on other places of the internet (mainly other big, general-themed subrreddits).
Im just glad it was Pewdiepie who broke out a yoyo instead of Logan Paul or something