91 but not anymore.
Can we get some more F’s in the chat?
91 but not anymore.
Can we get some more F’s in the chat?
Facts my bro^
How long did this take you to type?!?!?! Respect bro. (You didn’t do this on your phone did you?) Also facts.
80+ wpm on keyboard.
The reason everyone wanted him to be number 1 was that he was the best example of a guy starting out on youtube with a mic, computer, a camera, and a good personality. Where T-Series is a multi-million (maybe billion) dollar corporation that has hundreds of singers and posts 3 videos every day. So seeing one gut in front of a camera as the number one guy was inspiring to lots of people and gave them the courage to do it too. (Also India is huge and like all Indians listen and/or know about T-Series)
But still respect
Who’s seen his new song? (Congrats to T-Series. Even tho their music is ■■■■. But that’s just my opinion. If your Indian in the chat post “India”.)
Bro, I can see you replying and please don’t write a book. Omg, you’re still replying. Please I have to read this…
Alt-right, incel, neo nazi are all synonymous with pewdie, if you personally aren’t one? Sick. A lot of people aren’t, but a lot of his backers are - not to mention his repeated n word slips, yes…it’s not a end all be all action but even Kramer never fully recovered from it…also gives the first 3 groups mentioned some backbone.
If you like him cause he’s swedish? that’s tight. If you like him because it’s 1 guy vs a corporation? That’s cool too.
He has said some whack sh** and has some really hateful groups supporting him “for the meme” which has led to some disturbing footage @codinghorror mentioned.
He of course has no control over this, BUT his actions have given agency to slander, especially when he makes Holocaust jokes. I’m not one to waste energy or effort on this sort of thing but honestly? This is the last thing I’m tryna see on a YOYO forum
All of those were a long time ago. Also, I haven’t seen anyone mention any of the charity streams he’s done or the apologies he’s made. (He said the n-word once and I don’t think any was proud of him doing it. The reason was obvious tho because at the time his favorite joking word was “nibbah” so yeah, but he apologized and life’s too short to hold grudges. (But I’m not saying it was good, ok, or that I was disappointed when it happened and he did loos a lot and get in big trouble. I’m just saying he learned his lesson and has worked to be a better person and that I’m glad about.)
Also, Ben Shapiro is a bad guy. Nor is he alt-right.
Also, book right back atcha! Booiiii!
I’m not butthurt - y’all have the right to like him :')
I’m not saying you are, but that’s just classic far left overreaction (I’m not even right wing btw).
I honestly find the fact that you guys are putting pewdiepie and the alt right in the same sentence insane. Pewdiepie is in no way a supporter of the alt right. I know he’s had a couple slip ups with the n-word (which is obviously bad in its own right) but that doesn’t mean he has any ties with the alt right.
Even if the entire alt right decided that they wanted to make pewdiepie their new flag, that wouldn’t be the fault of Felix, and it definitely wouldn’t be reason not to like him. Do you blame Bernie Sanders for the congressional shooting? If you do, then that’s one thing. If you don’t, then you can’t blame pewdiepie for the alt right liking him.
I’d also like to see who the “alt-right” that’s supporting him actually is. Are we talking legitimate political neo-nazis and extremists, or are we talking about stupid kids saying things on 4chan? I know the media loves to pretend that 4chan represents the alt-right. Genuinely curious here, because i haven’t done my due diligence to look into who’s being labeled the alt-right in this specific circumstance.
@damb do you know what incel means? It honestly sounds like you don’t based on your usage.
Yeah I know what it means, not entertaining this any further though!
Pretty much this.
All white people are racist, all guys are sexist, and everyone in any sort of position of power is oppressive to anyone who isn’t. If PewDiePie has even ONE supporter that’s not a Muslim trans person of color activist, he’s a fascist - sorry, not sorry but that’s just a fact
Gubernment, gib socialism plzzzz.
If you say so bud… my point is that no one commenting on here really knows this guy. For all you know he could be a closet fill-in-the-blank that everyone swears he’s not. But some are here playing captain save a hoe, like he’s their personal savior; without knowing this guy whatsoever beyond what he wants you to see.
Take a breath, compose your thoughts and try not to unintentionally insult and degrade people like your hero…