Style to Play

Do you like slack tricks or technical tricks


There are a lot more types of tricks then just does 2, but for me i like both of them.

What about tech with slack?

What other styles are there then? The two main ones are slack and tech

i like both but i think tech looks cooler


Body tricks, grinding tricks, hop tricks, slow but smooth tricks. Plenty of others, those are just off the top of my head.

so far I really do like string tricks, and tricks with popping the yoyo off the string

beginner player here (adv1&2 on tutorials)

I voted technical tricks because I do like them better than slack tricks. But to be honest, I prefer “Flowy” tricks that use a bunch of moves that look really smooth together.

(take Zach Gormley’s style for example. Mine is kinda like that but…not quite as good :stuck_out_tongue: Lol)