String wedged under bearing?

The string is getting wedged between the bearing and the other side of the yoyo from doing normal yoyo tricks. What could be causing this?

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Hmmm :thinking:

Try tightening the yoyo more?


Is that a OneStar?

I can’t really tell from the picture, but that is certainly not normal. It almost seems like the wrong kind of bearing was used. If you’ve tightened it enough, like smileypants suggested, and the bearing used is the correct one, then there might be something wrong with the bearing seat, and hence, the yo-yo itself. In that case, you might want to start considering a new purchase.

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If it is a OneStar, you’ll need another yoyo.

I bought a Paul Han edition Onestar and th exact sam thing kept happening to me and it wasn’t a matter of tightening it properly. There was a problem with the bearing seat area.

It looks like you could be having the same problen there.


I have

It’s a sage

A sage is a OneStar.

I’m sorry for your loss.


Did you try using a thicker string?

I can’t remember. It was a while ago. A thicker string would still be snaggy even if it wasn’t stuck beyween the bearing and the seat.


Any chance you took the yoyo apart, put the string on the bearing, and then assembled the yoyo?


You probably put the string onto the yoyo before screwing it together.

Unscrew the yoyo, take out the string, rescrew the yoyo, and then open the loop and put it onto the yoyo.

Is there any crack in the thin wall between the bearing and response pad? A small chip there will cause this problem.

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