String tension tricks?

What yoyo tricks do yall use to manage string tension?

I generally use sidewinders and UFOs to manage tension, but im curious if there are more good ones. Id like some more variety in my trick game for tension purposes.



Sidewinders esp on responsives. On unresponsive setups I do that split bottom mount sidewinder thing.


Sidewinder almost exclusively unresponsive and responsive

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Those are great options especially if you need to manage string that’s very tight or very loose. Something else to think about is, in general, what direction is your yoyo orbiting during tricks? Assuming you’re right handed and throw a breakaway, clockwise orbits tighten the string and counterclockwise orbits loosen the string. If possible and practical, it can be helpful to try and incorporate a rough balance of tricks that orbit both directions to maintain a roughly neutral string tension.

Don’t worry about getting it perfect, but it’s something to think about that can help your string tension stay mostly neutral while only having to make minor adjustments. As for specific tricks, lacerations tend to tighten the string for me, and follow tends to loosen the string. Revolutions can tighten or loosen depending on which direction you do the revolutions (clockwise to tighten, counterclockwise to loosen). I also tend to get into either a mach 5 mount and pull the string to the left with my nonthrowhand to loosen, or a gyroscopic flop mount and pull the string forward to loosen.

Of course side winders and UFOs/DNAs are also great options, these are just some ideas I’ve been thinking about lately.


This is what I do. I have certain tricks that I know will tighten and some that I know will loosen tension (torsion? What’s the difference?) and I try to do a balance of both. Like you said though, it’s not always perfect. If tension gets too out of wack I will use sidewinder/ufo/dna to fix it. And sometimes I just spin the dead yoyo.


Here’s a goofy repeater you can do to loosen tension (I’m not good at it yet). Tbh I just do mini sidewinders like hold the string to the side of the Yoyo so it whirls around. It’s fast and I have a good sense of how long to do it for to get back to neutral. You can also dna .


This repeater is genius, you can just throw a single rotation into your combos at random to always have neutral tension - great find I’m definitely gonna use that.


I generaly use a sidewinder.

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