String Color

Sorry if this is really dumb but why do yoyo champions use yellow string?

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Easy to see


Even casually, yoyo is just easier when the string is more visible. I’m not a pro, but I only really use neon yellow/green string for this reason. From something as basic as landing a trapeze, to slacks/hooks/suicides/etc., all these things get a big consistency boost once you can react and make small adjustments based on where you see the string is and what it’s doing. The less visible the string is, the harder it is to react to.

I’m always kind of surprised how many people I see playing with dark strings. It feels like I’m trying to play yoyo blindfolded when I use a dark string color.


I can only speak for myself (and according to Rainn Wilson, we’re all champions iirc), but I usually play over a light light colored floor so I get dark string colors when I can, but most of the time I end up using yellow since that’s what most string comes in. I started getting black string when I first realized that the contrast would help, but then soon realized that black isn’t helpful when I’m anywhere but at home.

I use white string because it looks classic on any color yoyo. Yellow string doesn’t look as dirty as quickly, though.

Both pop plenty well in front of a black shirt.


Are you really only asking about champions? Or are you curious about the rest of us?

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Yellow just feels different from the rest… that yellow 5 dye :rofl:. I also luv pink when i want something different.

Champions (you mean like just National and Worlds, right?) get their string for free and the suppliers assume they want Neon Yellow since that’s what everyone seems to use. It’s a vicious circle feeding on itself. :rofl:

Naw, really it’s easiest to see for both the player and the judge doing the clicking.

I do have someone that uses white and Neon Yellow, but definitely competes with the NY.

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I use light blue (slick 8), neon yellow/green (slick 6), and white. I have some grey but it is hard to see at times.

I bought some dark green/black string because I liked how it looked.

Couldn’t see a damn thing. Literally made trucks harder, I wasn’t aware how much it helped seeing the bright yellow even with how fast it’s all going


As others have said, visibility is by far the biggest issue. At one point I was sent a prototype string that was black; OMG it was totally invisible. That lasted at most 5 minutes, then right in the trash. I don’t even know if it was a good string otherwise.

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