String breakage problem with Pro

So I have a SPYY Pro, and it’s great. But it came with a polyester string, and about 20 minutes of play later, the strings broke off. So I put another polyester string in it, and it snapped again. I know it’s caused by the beadblasting were the string would rub against, but I just want to know how to fix this problem. I’ve seen threads like this, but I just want to confirm a way to fix it. Thanks a lot

The problem is probably the same as with the Punchline. You can get a rough pair of jeans or sock and rub it on the yoyo where the strings rubs against it.

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i haven’t had that problem with the pro, personally, but if it has a more abrasive blast that could easily do it, even if it’s only in one place. i’ve had several yo-yo’s that broke strings, and the bottom line is to even out the blast. you can do that by rubbing with a wool sock (which takes like 30 min). or a super-fine sandpaper/scotchbright pad (which takes like 30 sec, but do it LIGHTLY to preserve the finish). best of luck.

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Thanks, I was surprised the Pro did that, but I hope it works. Thanks.