String Brand / Type

Looking for info on the type / brand of strings people are using.
I’ve done a search and the last date i’ve found on this subject was 2013, so rather than resurrect the topic i thought i’d try new.

I’ve recently tried Iyoyo slackies and really liked them, but seeing as there’s quite a few brands out there, whats everyone else using.
I’m quite interested in trying the loop string lite, anyone else tried it ?


I just use bulk poly, but I have some airetics waiting for me at home, so I may have to get back to you on that


I’m coming to the end of my bulk buy slackies, and however much i’d recommend them i’m always interested in trying other stuff, especially tried and tested by others.


Retic MP, Zipline, and bulk poly when I’m out of the other two

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Zipline allday. @jeremypark is the bestest.

Or if you can sweet talk @smileypants707 to make ya some, he rocks too.


Yoyostringlabs sampler pack FTW. Kitty string sampler pack. Markmont string sampler pack.

Really just go nuts on the sampler packs. Variety is the spice of life, mannnn


From the unpopular opinions thread. I just like yyf string.


Airetics for me! Iyoyo slackies are the best bulk string though imo!


I tried sampler packs, unfortunately i’m abit of an idiot. Last time i brought about 10 packs of different brands each with 5 strings…and yes i ended up losing / mixing up the little cards from inside. Another time i was doing the housework picked up strings and put them all in the same pile, which one group of 5 was really really great, that i thought at the time came with my Iceberg, so purchased bulk slackies, which on a positive i like, on the negative not the ones i thought (best description “thin”).
So from now on i’m going bulk a brand at a time. :smiley:


I have a stockpile of different strings, but I primarily use KS XXL in hot pink. I feel like it’s a solid combination of feeling soft and feeling slackable. I also bought it in bulk so I’ve got plenty to go through.


I use everything and I make my own. I do lots of string trades with other folks too, so I have some super unique blends and colors.


Heartstrings White


I still need to get my hands on some heartstrings

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Blueprints were my go to bulk, and I’m still bitter they are gone. I did like the kittie 1.5. Premium stuff I like the YYSL Inverse X, as it’s the only string for lefties, and I like to feel special sometimes. Also, I’m trying zipline, and Airetic.

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Wow great response.

Whats really weird is i’ve just noticed “Unpopular Yoyo Opinion” topic has moved onto string, way before i set this question. I’m not usually a coincidence believer but is there some mysterious force at work here ? As i genuinely didn’t know.


Definetly worth every penny. I’ve been running them nearly exclusively for a year. Great whips, binds tight, doesnt snag much, lasts quite a while, and comes from a top notch forum member :+1:


I’ve done a quick google search for Hearstrings but just keep getting either emotional or medical responses. Where are these strings to be found ?

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@Dust makes them. I don’t know if he still makes any in his free time or does custom orders, but it doesnt hurt to ask :+1: I have about 120 stashed away :joy:


I love seeing the kind words! Thanks Wh0th!

As it stands, I do not have any made up at the moment, as my rig got disrupted, but i should be able to get back up and running in the near future.

Pep, I shut the website down when my job went from no hours a week to close to 50. Ive got the materials to make them but need to make some adjustments to the tools needed to pull it off properly. So as it stands at the moment, i am out of commission but plan on being back up and running soon. Hit me with PM and Ill keep you updated on where im at in getting that project back up. I swapped out a few things in the system and it all went haywire, but nothing insurmountable.

Thanks again


I like MP strings. Mark mont DRAGON. Zipline. 24k. Lifeline. Or if we are going bulk I like kitty 1.5