Staying passionate in yoyoing

Hey Evan! Yiyang here. My question for you is to how to balance the fun, competitive and different aspects of yoyoing so you don’t burn out? I have burned out from yoyoing before, I was not having fun anymore and I lost the passion for a good year and half. Maybe you have experience the same thing before? The passion came back this year and I even got a sponsorship, but is there a way or some sort of equilibrium to prevent from burned out from the yoyoing and losing the passion in the future? Thank you so much!


Hey yiyang! I think my secret is that I do burn out sometimes. I’ve had major breaks in the past, and I think these are completely normal. I’d say, don’t force it, and just allow yourself to take some time off as I have. There’s no point in yoyoing if you don’t enjoy at least some aspect of it.