
Thought you might have missed that :wink:

And really, your negatives are worst-case scenarios… You NEVER get crowded by a bunch of people that block you to destinations EVER in yoyo…

You could always leave a team if you don’t like a person or a few people on the team, but what’s 2 or 3 people going to do? It’s not like you’re going to see them everyday, or even every week or month…

A company is NOT going to FORCE you to use a certain yoyo, unless a yoyo was like just released or it’s your signature, but you could still decline…

Your not going to HATE a yoyo you designed, I can guarantee that… And they can always make improvements if it’s not absolutely perfect.

All of your negatives are worst-case-scenarios man… No sponsorship ever ends up like that…

Love your yoyo and practice, practice, practice, & practice some more eventually of you get good enough someone will take notice and you may or may not get sponsored.

I would love to get sponsored but it’s a very unrealistic goal for me. So I’ll do some sponsoring so my favorite yoyo companies can continue to pick up the super talented young people out there to continue to push yoyoing to the next level and keep the public continually away we are hear as this little awesome toy it more then just a toy. So stop complaining or saying you do or don’t want a sponsorship just play spend the time playing and loving your yoyo and eventually someone will take notice 8).

Cheers and keep those shades on the future is looking extremely bright !

i really don’t care about sponsorship right now. i would rather just casually do the hobby and not get sponsored. the only reason that i would want to get sponsored is because having yoyoing as a job would be awesome!

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