Help!!! my spirit bomb wont go on the 2nd pop. i show that the triangle is to small… help me!
quality change
(Light, and Smooth Hall monitor Jirohen)
it just takes practice and hand placement. there is a spirit bomb video in idk if I can mention thisformer url to yoyo store or look up ibanezcollector on YouTube for a slowed down spirit bomb video, that’s how I learned.
EDiT: Fixed
It’s really difficult to see what’s going on, because of the low quality of the video.
When you do the breakaway, you string doesn’t seem short to me, but after the 1st pop it does seem pretty short.
After you do the mount, I can’t see if you roll on to the string “twice” - as you should do, or if you just do it once, and then try to pop… To me it just seems like your doing something wrong at the very 1st pop.
actually im skipping the 1st pop and going right into where it would have been if i did the pop If you want i could redo the video and make it better quality.
If you are able to make it better quality, then yeah - I think that you should.
I’m interested in seeing your string before the 2nd pop - to see if it looks correct. So maybe if you could show the string and yoyo close up before the pop?
But I also remember having alot of problems with spirit bomb when I learned it. But oh the joy when I finally did learn it
Much better video
Your first pop sure looks correct.
A few things that helped me with the tricks, and things I still do is this:
After the 1st pop, where your hands are crossed - move your hands together, so that the back of your hands touch eachother, and the yoyo is hanging down.
The “crossed string knot” should be as close to the yoyo as possible.
I’ve tried explaining it on this picture
(Now it’s my time to say sorry for the awfull quality, but I think you can see the hands and string clearly.)
The image is right after I’ve done the 1st pop, and is about to make the 2nd pop.
The things I explain on the image is something that works for me. I’m sure other people will wonder why having the hands close together before 2nd pop makes any difference… Well, it just do for me, so maybe you will find it helpfull aswell.
One thing you are doing wrong that will help make that triangle larger is where the string is attached to your finger. You have the string really down far on your finger - it should be farther up below your fingernail. This helps make a larger triangle when you spread your hand open during the pop.
Heres where I am now. Andre said I should put the yoyo higher on my finger is this good? look at my yo hand at about 19 and have it paused and tell me if thats good nuf
Yeah, the loop on your finger is now positioned correct.
I would suggest a few things.
1st, try and make the wrist mount, and stop there. Look at your wrist mount, and notice that triangle you have there between thumb and index finger. How big is that triangle when you are in a wrist mount. Because that string position is pretty much how it should be when you create the triangle after 2nd pop.
Triangle should be created by your thumb and index finger.
Look at this image. Notice how the triangle is made between thumb and index finger.
Try to see how big a traingle you have when you make a wrist mount.
When I see your video, it seems to me that you don’t make the triangle with your thumb.
After you land your 1st pop, your string is positioned like this while I suggest you have the string up over your thumb like this. If you have the string over your thumb, and then make the 2nd pop, you “just” have to spread out your thumb and index finger to create the triangle.
But focus on the wrist mount first. See how big the triangle is there. Would the yoyo be able to get through that triangle?
[edit] Looking at your video again at the 19seconds, it seems your loop could be positioned slightly higher on your finger. I have the loop on my finger excactly where my finger has the 1st “bend”.
well… its a bit hard to do tricks involving my right hand thumb due to an acciedent that happened when i was 2. if you look near the end of the 1st vid you can see i dont have my entire thumb, about 3/4. luckily still have the joint