Spinworthy Spectra Butterwhoopsy for sale

Selling this ‘Butterwhoopsy’ I made on the weekend. It was meant to be a Bloodcell, but I mess the dimensions up, so I changed direction and made it into a random butterfly shaped yoyo.

Its about 57mm diameter and 34.5mm wide.

It is ultra smooth and plays great, featuring my refined response.

Ill sell it for $80 shipped to the US or Canada.


That’s such an visually satisfying shape. I just wanna …touch… it.

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Could you possibly make one like this that uses side effects, or any kind of axel set up with a C or D bearing.




Man Idk where you got the name but its a good one!

Its a silly name. I used it simply because it was the result of reparing an accident

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I imagine you posted this elsewhere, but can you describe it?

It’s this. It creates a less ‘lumpy’ feeling spin, responds and regens well and doesn’t interfere with string tricks.


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