Spinworthy Ordering

Hi everyone.

I will have less time on my hands for a while to make yoyos. I still have time, just less.

Because of this, I will need to make a list of request from people that I can make my way through at my own pace. If you want to buy anything from me, let me know and I will put your order on the list.

The first to place an order are the first to receive them. Nothing is paid for until I’ve made it and you’ve seen photos and approved.

Here are my models:


Harbinger (left in photo)

My standard fixed axle. Reliable, capable and regenerates powerfully.

Approximate specs:
Diameter: 57mm
Width: 33mm
Weight: Vairies depending on chosen wood. White oak recommended (approx 55g)

Ballsy (right in photo)

This is a curvier, larger, longer spinning model with extra heft.

Approximate specs:
Diameter: 59.5mm
Width: 38.5mm
Weight: Vairies depending on chosen wood. European beech recommended (approx 62g)

Acetal Responsive (No name yet)

This yoyo is made for modern 0A play. It comes with a half spec bearing, but can be converted to an unresponsive with a standard C bearing. Plays very smoothly and has a decent snappy response.

Approximate specs:
Diameter: 56.5mm
Width: 36mm
weight: 60g.

Comes in white or black acetal.

PM me if you are after anything.


But are they smooth? :thinking:


Smooth enough! :grin:


They’re spin worthy for sure.


I’ll update with some pictures later.