Purchase wrong, advice new purchase

Hi, I purchased as a first yoyo Magic YoYo N11, which is perfect (although it tends to right, but I think it’s the fault of how the launch), but it is a yoyo not reactive, and not exactly what I wanted to start. …
I learned the bind in about two days, 9/10 succeeds without problems, but I wanted a yoyo responsive. Now I wonder, is there a change to the buffer to make it responsive?? Or at least, you recommended a yoyo responsive to buy??
I really like those aluminum shaped like a butterfly, if not a modified or imperial, always preferably aluminum or other materials, such as wood, plastic is the ultimate choice.

I’m sorry for my english

Buy a Yoyojam Classic. It comes responsive.

Lube the bearing, it will become responsive, if not enough use thick grease.
However lubing the bearing reduce spin time.

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It is not bad, but something in aluminum or other servers steel ??

Excuse me, but what is lube ?? I can not translate this word

I was thinking, after seeing some pictures of Yoyojam Classic, to change the buffer with a narrower one, but I do not know if it works as a thing.

At best, you give me what you advise me to take as a new yoyo ??

Lube is a light oil, such as sewing machine, fishing reel or gun oil.

Ah, thank you.

one or two drops of thicker oil and youll be good to go buddy! :smiley:
OR 2 or 3 drops of thinner oil. No worries!

Lube is an abbreviation for lubricant (lubrificante in Italian). Personally, to save money, I would use the lube to make your current yoyo responsive. But, if you want to buy a different responsive metal yoyo that is good for beginners, YoYoFactory has released the DV888 as a responsive yoyo, which comes with a thinner bearing and a shorter axle. Later you can buy the “unresponsive kit” which comes with a standard unresponsive bearing, a longer axle, and some additional response pads.

I would buy a fast 201.

well most metal yoyos are unresponsive, but maybe a duncan metal drifter could work for you, but i would go for a plastic yoyo to start with, like already said the yyj classic, maybe a yyf one or duncan FHZ/FH2

If you want your Yoyo responsive you can buy something like sewing machine oil as lube pr lubricant to male your Yoyo responsive, its fairly cheap at your local craft store it’s about 2-3 dollars.

Yes, the Duncan Metal Drifter is a great responsive metal yoyo.

Thank you all for the answers.
Now I see and try to find this lubricant, however, currently I was thinking that maybe you should take another and leave this here as it is, and I will use it more in the.
Over all I have seen that you have recommended some really beautiful.

Excuse me for English

here you go

Your English is better than that of some of the native speakers here. :wink:

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How about a Dark Magic II, it’s not that expensive, and you get the best of both worlds, responsive or unresponsive, right out of the box. You also get that butterfly shape you love, both metal and plastic attributes, all in one. It’s a good investment. :wink:

Thank you!

Thank you very much! ;D

Really nice, but a bit expensive … I was thinking of taking a DV888, which I really like. But if you assure me that this is at a much higher level, and I take this aspect …

You already have a decent unresponsive (doesn’t come back with a tug to the hand) yoyo.

I would chose one of the following responsive string trick yoyos:
-Yoyofactory FAST 201
-Yoyofactory One
-Yoyojam Classic

and chose one of the following responsive looping yoyos:
-Yoyofactory loop 360
-c3 initiator

That way you get a responsive string trick yoyo, and one responsive looping yoyo.
See what you like, and then you can buy something better and more expensive.

Get a Yomega x Yoyojam Odyssey, it comes stock responsive with thick o-rings that last pretty much forever.
When you want it to become unresponsive simply clean the bearing or change with another unresponsive one, and change the response with thin pads.
This yoyo is way too underrated, I don’t mind using it for competitions, it’s that good.

Mh … Surely not I take the loop, I think it is for me, however, the problem and that I would come in aluminum or the like, but now that I think maybe you should take a FAST 201 which is the least expensive and then get one better after … Hell, I do not know …

Not bad, but in my area there is none, which is shipped with “normal” prices