Spin top learning curve (it’s not a curve)

betta make a video! :grin:


For me, fixed tip really opens up the fun part of throwing, after playing fixed tip, the bearing tops just feel like dead weight. There are some kinda cool bearing tricks, but they don’t really grab me like the fixed tricks do.


Now I can make the S8 top fixed by tightening the nut, is that right?

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You need to put a plastic washer and a metal washer over the top bearing first. I have also made a washer from an old inner tube, but you would still want a slightly larger OD washer on top than the stock one.


After rereading your comment, i now understand what you’re saying. And i agree completely. So let me state: throwing a top isn’t easy. It is a skill. But I do believe that if someone really wants to, and that someone has a helpful instructor, it can be learned quickly and enjoyably.
Then after the spinner and some basics, it gets increasingly difficult exponentially. But always fun.

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New mini combo. Precession Chaser. Whip, martillo, joker choker. Action every half precession.

The wind is insane today and I’m playing with my kids at the park so 30 seconds seemed long enough lol.


Custom top from Ed Davidson


def jelly, what a gorgeous top!

Is that solid ?

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It’s got a hole punched through the middle with a decorative pog affixed in the crown

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Not sure if this is to become the “show off my new top thread” but Ed made me a new one. This will probably be my new EDC. Same dimensions, but perfectly smooth and like half the weight. It’s 80gr. Oh and I requested a Diablo tip for string play. It’s absolutely fantastic.


Not sure if that was the whole video.


I picked up this from Dave Schulte today.


A little behind the back whip action with my favorite Trompo Grande. The hardest part about this trick was keeping it level while I brought it around after the catch! Deciding to be tip in or tip out made for long practices lol.


That’s pretty crazy, looks very impressive. I have never tried to do a whip catch behind my back. The initial throw looks like it would be a bit hard too, I will have to play with that, but I wouldn’t have the steel nerves required to practice inside :rofl: .
On a technical note, isn’t your back already behind you? I mean it seems to me that if something was behind my back, it would be in front of me. I’m always thinking.


Dang dude!!! You have made such killer progress.