Sort of Starter YoYo

I learned how to yo-yo in middle school and am sort of getting back into it.

I think I need a better Yo-Yo, but I am pretty unskilled at the moment so I am not sure if it is just me.
I have a couple of solid axle Duncans (butterfly and imperial) and a Yomega Brain, but I am not really satisfied with any of them.

The Yomega is sort of un-responsive (sometimes it does not like to wake up), and the duncan does not sleep long enough to do any string tricks.

Anyway, how long should I be able to get these guys to sleep? And is there a good starter Yo-Yo you guys would recommend? I am thinking under $20 by the way, (can you get a good yo-yo for that?) and maybe something with ball bearings.

There are a number of great throws for under $20 that you will be able to do most (if not all) tricks on. I would suggest any of the $15-$20 yoyo’s that are on here. They are all great! My personal fav’s would have to be either the Duncan Freehand Zero, Duncan Freehand 2, or the YoYoJam Kickside. I hope that helps.

that good sir would be a lyn fury, kickside, free hand zero or custom “your choice.” Or a shinwoo phantom “although I don’t know how much give will come with it.” lyn, kick, and FHZ would be my top choices.

yyj kickside

So do you guys thingk a butterfly or imperial style would be better?

Also, I have been watching the videos, what is he using there?
The red one with the metal rim.

the shape depends on what you want to do, string tricks work best with butterfly while looping tricks work best with immperial… generally butterfly is better for starting because a big beginner concern is sleep time…

i recommend the yyf velocity, its about 20 dollars and can be as responsive or unresponsive as you desire… which means it will take you a long way while learning to yoyo

i liked the velocity 8)

I wouldnt go with the velocity… Too many flaws. such as string gets caught under bearing alot. Response is not all what it is made out to be. So I would go with the…


kickside by yyj or the yyf one which has not been released yet

YYF One is THE beginner throw, I actually think that ONE>Velocity and I started on a velocity

other than that, YYJ kickside, lyn fury are good choices as well

I kinda like the duncan FHZ too, plus you get cool counter weights, just in case