Okay so I let my brothers throw my Velocity around and they seem pretty interested in learning. I want to get them 2 fairly inexpensive beginner yoyo’s. I was thinking something like a Shinwoo or a Kickside. I need something thats really responsive… Can anyone give me a list of some good choices?
I’d say get two kicksides or two Speed Makers… Then when their bored in a week you can take the speed makers/Kicksides back, silicone the O-ring sides and put them together and you now have a silicone Speedmaker/Kickside, and a starburst one… Or just play them stock and pick up 3A!
I honestly can’t remember if FAST 201s come responsive out of the box. If they do, that would be a great choice because they are still some of the best yoyos around (even for advanced players).
I like your thinking in the op. The shinwoo phantom is a great beginner yoyo. Heck I still have fun with mine. Yes the vibe a little but thats no biggy. I really suggest you get them a phantom.
I know I am old school, but why start off with a bearing yo yo fixed axles teach you discipline like learning to crawl before you can walk. It’s like a sports coach that makes you do things over and over again till you get it right.
Beginning with a fixed axle teaches you control, speed and precision of hand movements because you have such short spin times.
I recommend start with a Duncan ProFly $5 it’s simple yet easy to succeed with. Maybe even a plain all wood. Get the basics down with this, then and only then move onto a bearing yo yo.