Call me crazy for making a thread about this. But this particular forum does this one particular thing and it drives me bananas.
**Disclaimer: I’m not saying that if you do this, you’re a bad person. I’m just saying that this is something constantly overlooked.
You know how people come and say that they want a yoyo that will sleep longer, and we do the whole, “Oh, it’s all about the person’s skill, and not the yoyo,” schpeil? Well, why is it that we cannot convey that same principle of replacing skill with technology when it comes to crooked throws?
The fact of the matter is, nobody jumps into yoyoing with a perfect throw. It just doesn’t happen. What we do when people ask their whole “rubbing against the side” question, we suggest for them a KK.
NO. First of all, if you use a KK, you don’t fix the problem. And that person will then need a KK for every single yoyo that they get. That person will never have learned how to properly throw. Then, when that person tries to teach other people how to throw, they won’t teach them properly.
This just really irks me. If we tell people to not buy yoyos due to special features that may enhance the play, why would we do that for bearings? It makes no sense to me. Sorry if this topic is kinda unnecessary, but this just REALLY gets to me.