
Joseph Pallagi is his name.

This was our trade agreement, My 09 Severe and 2012 Supernova for his Custom ano’d Omnicron and a rare YYJ canjam looper.

I went into this trade being told the Omnicron was mint condition. When I got it, it had a ding on the side, very noticeable.

The other problem is that he did not send me the other yo-yo he agreed on sending. He was on today and I know he has read a lot of my messages.

Is now the time to place bad feedback? What if he gives me bad feedback as revenge?

I haven’t dealt with this happening but he shouldn’t post bad review as revenge and if anyone brings up why you have it just tell them what happened.

Haven’t personally dealt with him, but if he does retaliate by giving you negative feedback, you can most likely contact the mods to get it worked out.

I have had a similar situation with somone else where i was trading a mint yoyo for a mint yoyo and had him send it first. I said a bunch of time that if it had any damage i will leave negative feedback and send it back so please PLEASE dont waste my time. He assured me that it was mint and smooth (that was another thing we talked about). I got it and right off the bat i found two large dings in the yoyo and a pulsating vibe. I paid the shipping to send it back which i wasnt to happy about but i needed to get him his yoyo back. Then i left him negative feedback and right when i gave him the delivery confirmation number he gave me negative feedback saying i was expecting to much and sorry for not meeting your insane expectations. I contacted the modders and they said they were hearing different stories so they erased both negative feedback posts which i didnt find fair cause i didnt do anything wrong but i also didnt want that on my record.

The guy later tried selling the yoyo as mint but i luckily sent the mods pics of his yoyo and the damage so he finally had to admit the real condition of the yoyo.

Moral of the story is you can be honest and give negative feedback where it’s deserved and get some back in return then it turns into a he said she said mess.

That guy lives by me but i dont really know him. Im sorry you didnt get what you where suppose to that sucks. Take care

I traded with him, and everything ended up ok. He might be responding late to your PMs but He is a sponsored player.  If he is who he says he is.  That was the reason I traded with him.  I would wait to see if you get a response by the end of the week and maybe even try to contact the owners of Eternal Throws to verify if he is actually the same person.  I can’t imagine a sponsored player doing something like this.

December 26 is when I last heard from him. He said he would ship it. Lies lies and more lies…

I live in the same state as him, this is just unacceptable.

ok so yes I am the same person Joseph Pallagi and no this is not me scamming someone out of a 6 dollar looping yoyo. I had been under the impression that the yoyo that I sent him was mint he is telling me that the dings are under the custom ano once he told me this I did apologize being that it was under the ano it does not surprise me that I would miss it. The reason I have been so late in trying to get the canjam yoyo to him is due to a lot of things happening around the same time which has made it impossible for me to even get to the post office and I am not afraid to tell you what these things are cuz I care the way I am viewed by the community being that I am on a team but if you have been fallowing this thread you already knew that. Now the reason I have been so late on sending out this yoyo is on the 4th of Dec. my grandmother passed away so I had to fly down to San Diego I think on the 7th to attend the memorial service so that was the first big thing that got in the way of me sending out anything to anyone and as soon as I was able to I pmed him telling him that and that I was sorry and that I would get it out asap, and on top of that I do work full time I work from 7am to about 5:30 pm 6 days a week and by the time I get to the post office it’s closed . Due to these time constraints it has been hard to find time even to yoyo and I as an adult take full responsibility for my “poor time management” he will receive the canjam. Aside from ET I have over 40 positive feedback on another forum and if any of u want to see it id be happy to link it to you via PM. has online shipping. All you need is an email address to set up an account and a printer to print out the address labels. And when done online, tracking is free rather than costing an additional $0.75 when shipped at the post office. It’s 2013 and I might very well be posting this message while squeezing out a two-sie. No one needs to go to the post office anymore. :wink:

Okay. 2 months and about 20 private messages and a thread on this issue is what it took to finally get my yo-yo.

How you even “forgot” to send it to me along with the other yo-yo is beyond me. You just don’t do these kinds of things to people.

im not saying that what I did was right but like I said this is also was not me scamming you out of a 6 dollar looping yoyo this has been poor time management on my part . This is my fault, sorry it had to get this far but I am owning up to my mistake and making it better . ppl do make mistakes .

Poor time management? I sure hope your boss doesn’t tell you to go run an errand, and you come back 2 months later. :slight_smile: