What is a mod you would really like to see made on a yoyo? It can be anything really, I am thinking groundbreaking ideas kinda in the form of like the 401k yoyo or things like that. I myself would like to see A yoyo where you can take the response system in and out and still get a throw that will create spin. That way you could get tons of layers of string in I would think. Anyway lets hear some Ideas.
i really wanna see em give out polished editions on ALLL METAls, i also think personal anodization would be kewl, kinda like the 1 drop dingos
multi-colored designed acrylic inlays on metals, backlit by uv leds mounted in the axle. sort of like blacklight paint job, but backwards. probably unfeasable.
The other thing, I’ve been trying to figure out. There is this picture that just looks like a bunch of shapes or dots, but makes a coherent picture when you spin it. I still trying to dig it up. but I’d love to get that put on the side of one of my yoyo’s.
Deep cut in “ridges” to allow for new age string grinding and less friction on grinds. Kinda like this:
same. that and something like a very large bearing where you thumb grind for ultra long thumb grinds.
like a big open center bearing set into the outer domes? That would be awsome!
A cup holder… Nuff said.
But seriously, I would love to see the whole 'dots that make a picture when they spin thing put on a throw… That would be amazing
Still working on that. the closest thing I’ve found is called rotorelief, which is not it, but I think I’m on the right track. I’ll PM you if I find it.