Sochi vs yoyostring lab

I am stuck trying to decide what string to try out and I want to know what has better value and longevity


String preference is extremely subjective. Also YYSL makes a few different types of string as well. So if you have the means, I’d pick up a 10 pack of Normal Sochi, a 10 pack of Sochi Fat, and a yoyostring labs sample pack so that you could compare them all yourself. Should run ~$18 + shipping.


concurrence… though i haven’t had any experience with sochi, i’ve used quite a few others. yysl is my preferred, as i like the softer texture of the plutonium/type x (i generally use white string if that matters…), i find it lasts a while and isn’t excessively ‘bouncy’ for my tastes.


It depends on your tolerance of fraying. If you hate frayed string, I would recommend Sochi since its string length is longer and cheaper. I normally get a new string (polyester) after around 30-40 mins play (I like fresh string). If you like soft string and don’t care about the length, you can go for YYSL. If you choose Sochi, I suggest to avoid red color.


I agree that the suggestion @Isaac made earlier is probably the best route if you’re able to. I recently got a YYSL sampler pack (standard, not lightsaber) and I still haven’t decided which one I like best as all of them are pretty good (although ammo is a bit thick for me). I don’t have experience with Sochi but the 10-pack price on YYE isn’t bad at all.


I’ve tried a lot of string and I’m sad to say that Sochi is some of my least favorite. The normal variety held tension really poorly for me and wore out quickly. I tried their T string as well and disliked the feel of it, I found that it gave me a lot of string burn and almost felt ‘dirty’ after a short period of play which isn’t something I’ve experienced with other string. I imagine a lot of this just comes down to a mismatch with my personal preference, but figured I’d share my two cents. Never tried yysl but as far as budget string goes I’ve had decent experiences with monkey finger vines and kitty normal.


I agree with the above sentiment though, the best option is to get a few 10 packs and see what suits you. Don’t discount smaller packs of boutique string either, you may find something that lasts a lot longer, offsetting the higher costs


One string doesn’t fit all yoyos. Not in my collection at least. I have YYSL Venom on the majority of my throws
but I do use other kinds on certain yoyos. Start buying and start trying. Keep whatever you don’t like for now, your taste may change down the road.


Thanks for answering my question.