So what did everybody buy with the big sale

what did u order and how much did u get it for on the black friday sale?

I got a Foxland Precision, Katz Meow for 49.99 and SPYY Train Wreck 2.0 for 44.99 from…

[b]Please don’t come here and tell people what you bought at another store. It’s inconsiderate.


I got all I wanted… a YYF mystery box

I bought a red with black splash DV888 and my dad bought me a BOSS, can’t wait till I can play with them! ;D

I bought…

The Mystery Box.


I didn’t really get anything during the sale. My mom bought some stuff here on YYE yesterday, because I forgot to tell her about there going to be a Black Friday sale. :stuck_out_tongue: She said it was over $100 too, so it would have gotten 15% off. :stuck_out_tongue: I fairly certain a Northstar and Journey are in that order though. :slight_smile:


some string

yye crashed for a good hour or so :’(

Not while I was awake it didn’t and I went to bed like 5 hours ago. It went down for MAX 10 minutes. When the servers came back up all of the boxes were gone, THAT is what caused the big fuss. But, as I have seen so many threads locked over the subject I will not elaborate further just stating that if you weren’t up, why make false statements implying that you were?

Well, I was up until 2am, so I had yyn’s sale open in 1 tab, yye’s sale in one tab and yyg’s sale in the last tab. I just went through refreshing the tabs until something new popped up, and I wasn’t able to load yye until around 1am.

Fair enough, sorry, I’m grumpy I didn’t sleep well.

well getting back to the subject in hand.
i didn’t get a YYF mystery box but it’s cool. i support YYE no matter what

i got me a

  • YYF 2010 shirt $14.99 FTW (been looking for it)
  • YYF NorthStar $34.99
  • YYF POPstar $25.99

what was in the boxes?

1,000,000 “?”'s.

i was trying to get a mystery box, and so was my friend, but the site crashed, so i just got a protostar and a protege.

Protostar = Epic Win…My main throw

i got me a markmont next for like 61 i think

that shirt will go out of style in 1 month!!! wear it all you can!!!

Well, I wanted a mystery box (skeicjjdkslwkkdkwkwjsj) so angry the site crashed on me…

So I got a Starlight for 18 bucks

i got a YOYORECREATION MESSIAH for about $129 i think
and a yoyofactory t-shirt for like $21
total was like 150

I got a box ;D, and a purple popstar.

i got a team edition gnarwhal 97 cant wait to try it out