So the cheese may have finally fallen off the cracker

I started this spreadsheet to get a better idea of each yoyo’s best setup, and what maintenance is required…
Just started, about 10 to go.

It may seem obsessive, but since I’m already involved with it, it will keep things organized.


I pretty much live in Excel and was thinking of how I wanted to do something like this once a few more throws showed up…

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When one requires maintenance, I’ll turn the cells a different color, and service a few a once.

Keeping your good bearings separate from the bad ones also saves time. I toss the ones that need cleaning into the same jar the solvent will be added…

I have dishes in the sink, laundry, and popcorn on the floor. I worry for myself.


Yoyos must love mountain air because I rarely have a problem with more than one yoyo at a time. I just address each problem when it occurs. :relieved:


Same here. I tend to buy things knowing I am going to put it through the ringer. I cross bridges when I arrive at them seldom ever really thinking about crossing a bridge.

Organization saves time, with the benefit of what worked best for me.
Also when I sell, I would know what I wanted to do before ship if anything.

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I’d mainly be doing it for tracking when I bought it, the price, the condition, color, etc. Set all of those up on filters so if anyone ever posts in the BST - I have this (insert holy grail throw here) and I only want to trade it for a green, V, flat bearing, yellow string, yadda yadda yadda, I can quickly sort through my collection to see if I have anything that meets the criteria. Also, if I decide to ever sell any throws, I’ll have my purchase price and condition in front of me.

I don’t have the first clue about maintenance, at this point, although I’m sure I’ll incorporate that in the future, too.


You are the Car Facts of yoyoing!

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Plus organizing yo-yos is more fun than a sock drawer.

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You’ve inspired me to create aa spreadsheet of my own.

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I’ve been out nerded! :ghost: Spreadsheets and yoyos mix? No, no they don’t………that’s just…………. wrong. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:



This makes having fun too much work.


For some, I get that. But, for others, organization is part of the fun.


Use Google Sheets so you can update that spreadsheet anywhere anytime, man!

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I used to make index cards of yoyo moves and elements. They seemed too much to do as well, but every now and then when I go through them, I find some forgotten trick such as Nana Kanda.

I may just start them up again. Pulling one at random helps me when I am stuck for ideas.


I have a little fake Moleskine that I record what I am working on, problems I encounter, failures, what I purchased and have everything dated. I also record and date what combos I am doing. Plus, random notes and thoughts.


Does the Orb have a really small gap? why such slippy pads?

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Why not? Many hobbies and artistic pursuits benefit from notes. Musicians who read music often put notes/comments all over their music at times. Memory aids save time.

Part of the reason I organized stuff in a sheet was the accumulation of parts and pieces and I couldn’t tell my good bearings from the ones with issues. Also a way to know which yoyos to gather for silicone when I felt like it. With only 13 yoyos, this was probably much less necessary than people with 30 or more!

The orb plays well with whatever yellow pads came with it. Maybe the gap is smaller, I have no idea.

I like the orb a lot btw, it makes a nice travel companion due to its smaller size.