Sniffy-Yo Logo - George

I just peeped the doctor closeup again…he has an eyelid, so he can be drawn with his eye closed too.

Hmm. That’s not intentionally an eyelid, but it can be.
@Sniffyo on twitter

That’s just what I was about to post!

But I say we do it. Just for fun unless anyone wants to contribute a prize. Or the prize could be it will be posted on sniffy’s website.

I’m going to have to give that some thought. I do like the idea.
In the meantime here’s George from when he was on tv in 2002.
@Sniffyo on twitter

…and he was showing his best side too. Funny to see a tube TV with an antenna again…how times change.

I told him regular tv’s don’t work without a digital converter but he says he likes to watch the snow.
@Sniffyo on twitter

Not only antenna but knobs too!

George doesn’t have fingers to work a remote while sitting down.
@Sniffyo on twitter

A couple of years ago George was Command-Z
With the power of undo.


And a floor model, not sitting on a table…just has legs of it’s own…

You earned your 50th thank you for George with the power of undo. I only discovered control z a few years ago…and I felt empowered when I did. Felt just like George looks in the pic…cool drawing on that one. He looks happy as a super hero.

Undo may be the best possible superpower
@Sniffyo on twitter


^ Sure…pretty colors, but since when can I get one for 1 cent? That’s my kind of deal. ;D

When George is in charge, everything will be 1¢
@Sniffyo on twitter

I always thought he looked like the doodle jump character.

George is old enough to be doodle jump’s great great great grandfather.
In George years that is.
@Sniffyo on twitter

I hear George will be on a string cutter soon…when do you think we’ll get a peek?

Just waiting to get the color dialed in. Once that’s done, thunderbirds are go.
@Sniffyo on twitter

George is popular these days as there are plans to put him on a yo-yo holder soon too…stay tuned.