Snap start mental block.

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, I make this post with bated breath.

Skill level: advanced
Throws: DMII, Yuuksta, w/Ceramic KonKaves

I can throw a lot of tricks and land with 90+ percent accuracy. Ok, So I am no A.B or Y.S. I admit, LOL.
The one thing I CANT do is a snap start. This is really Pixxxxg me off! I practiced until my knuckles hurt, I watched every video I can find and I just cant Fxxxxxg do it! dammit!
I feel feel great when I land a trick, rather smug about it and then like a moron when I have to wind a dead yo.

Please of God of the Returning Orb, enlighten me (bows to your greatness).

practice even more!

heres an alternative:

But you will not get it without practice!

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Just practice snapping normally, and try to apply the same snapping motion with the yoyo between your fingers.

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I just learned this today.

Grab the yoyo with your thumb on the gap, hold your other hand above your head, then firmly use your thumb to push down on it while creating tension with the other hand. Dont quote me on it, but im pretty sure it wont snap up all the way, unless you have done this a ton of times.

Anyways, good luck.

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Throw hand or non-throw hand?

I hear you. I’m a pretty solid yo-yo’er, but snap start gave me fits. Here’s how i eventually got it down: don’t do it too quickly. Solid pressure, medium speed. If you put too much pressure on it or snap too quickly, you’ll tilt the yo-yo.

Don’t worry about speed, worry about smoothness. Think about Fonzie or one of the classic beat poets: be cool, be smooth, don’t rush it. Start snapping your fingers to the 2/4 beat. Get that down smooth, then try it with a yo-yo.

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it doesn’t have to be smooth or anything. the yoyo can wobble and it can even be spinning quite slow. what it really comes down to is a quick bind right after and if it doesn’t come up completely throw the yoyo back down like hop the fence and the will get the yoyo spinning faster. after that just bind it back and you should be fine.

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try snap starting with your non-throwhand, thats how i do it

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I AM GETTING IT! Thank you all!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D