Small yoyos

I recall YYF Ben saying Fall, but I cant recall if he said that last year, or if he said it sometime for this year.

Short of that, other than BST, I’m coming up empty and I’m not selling mine.

I, like many others, hated all the Popstars I’ve tried. They’re sooo close to being good. I think it might be the weight.

Hated the Littles. Too light.

ILYY’s St. Eel is the perfect mini yoyo. I wish I still had mine. Everything about it was just wonderful.

But at the moment I don’t believe I own a yoyo smaller than 55mm.

I love my Popstar!
big deal, pixy, flea

In response to “Jagmcool” they no longer manufacture it so I need to know where I can buy it

In response to “Jagmcool” they no longer manufacture it so I need to know where I can buy it

I love my YYF Skyline.It’s my favorite YYF yoyo in existence.

I love my Y-Factor ;D But they are not made anymore, so you would have to look on the BST.

There is a new run coming soon. I think.

Really? I hope so!

no old style flea , littles , new flea or big deal with no stacks

Popstars are super fun if you use an extra short string. Try it out.

I don’t really like the Popstar…but I do like this rather unusual throw called the “2010 WYYC Commemorative Yo-Yo” by yoyofactory. Someone once told me its the popstar prototype but im not sure about that. Its got more of a H shaped catch zone.

43 diameter, 33 width, 67g weight.

The mightyflea is also HILARIOUS to throw around.

In all seriousness though…hands down…Campfire can not be beat. Second place goes to the Ministar. I also love the Wooly Marmot.

Heres my super fancy Campfire for your enjoyment:

The Spyder II from Spyy certainly deserves a shout out on this thread.

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Was totally gonna mention this… The spyder II is my absolute favorite…
I also have a YYF Boss which is pretty small that i adore.

The smallest yoyo I own would be the Wooly Markmont.

… OD has the best two IMO …

Dietz and MMN

two of my favorites … all time!!!

but also have to mention yyf protege … 888x … TP Clover and clyw marmot

Speaking of 888x, why on earth isn’t it sold stackless? Just took mine off and it has quite the feel without them. Would rather buy it without the stacks and extra stuffs they put into the package.

Generic wooden yoyo, rather small

The black Yuuksta is what I reach for 95% of the time when I feel like throwing.