did any1 else just skip the beginer yoyos except for the dollarstore? I had a dollerstore yoyo worked it for 2 weeks got a DMII and have had it for a month. Soon to get a Dv888.
My first yoyo was a random cheaping looping one so it turned me off yoyoing for a few years.
The best yoyos when I started, where probably not as good as what you are calling beginner yoyos.
Lol, I did start with a beginner yoyo, but it was a few weeks before christmas and I asked for a OD Dingo, so… I practically learned off the Dingo, and I don’t regret a single bit of it.
Because there was not much to pick from when I started, I started off (and learned a lot) on your typical Duncan Imperial. I’m sure there were much higher end yo-yos in 1996 but ordering online was unheard of at the time (for us anyway). I did eventually move onto a Fireball and Saber Fireball and stuff. Honestly, as much as bearings made things easier, I say that everyone should start with a fixed axle, or atleast have a couple in their collection.
I started on a modified imperial ball bearing yo-yo, but once in a while I still use a fixed axle yo-yo to hone my skills. Nothing feels better than landing a trick on a yo-yo you can’t take apart. ;D
When I started there were only fixed axle yoyos.
I’m still not much better than I was then.
Nope Fixed axle Butterfly was my first yoyo
Honestly, i fogot what yoyo i first use, i go in and out of yoyo every what you called yoyo boom.
what i can remember, i use a fixed wood axel coca cola yoyo aroud middle school and learn sleeper, rock the baby, aroud the world and around the corner.
high school using a ballbearing yoyo from unknown brand, learn up to elevator and stuff.
Anyway, using a modern yoyo when learning could do harm to the yoyo.
i destroyed some yoyo when learning, but i think its normal.
yeah I havent destroyed 2 dollarstore yoyos… I didint know you had to shorten string!!! well now I do and my DMII thanks me for that
i got a zero then straight into a skychaser ;D
Honestly, I didnt think it was a Great Idea to go from a Dollar Store YoYo, and go Straight to a DMII. Just because of the Money, but if it Costed less, it wouldnt have been a bad idea. Its just kinda strange just having to spend $1, and then having to spend $40.
My Old Girlfriend used to YoYo, and she started out with a YYJ SpeedMaker that I got for her, then just like a month or 2 later she bought herself a Genesis. Thats just a Huge Step for her, so I had to teach her how to Bind. Haha.
I started out with a Duncan Imperial. Then got a Duncan Butterfly a day or 2 later. And then when I went to 5 Below like 2 Months later, I saw some Yomega Power Spin. A couple days later was the 2009 VA States YoYo Contest. By then Iv only been YoYoing for about 3 Months, so like my Best Trick was Dizzy Baby. Anyways, that day I got a Duncan Profly, and a YYF FAST201. then Months later I got a YYJ Speeder Online. About a Month later, I got a SpeedMaker. A Couple days later I got a YYJ Journey. Now I got the Journey in June, and Didnt get a Next YoYo until my Birthday in October. I got some B-Day Money, so I got my First All Metal YoYo the Frantic.
Okay, so I Apoligize it turned into more of a Story. But yeah it took me a Whole Year to evolve up to getting a first Metal. But Im Glad other people can learn faster then me, and are able to get to Metals and Advanced Play very Quickly in YoYoing.
ive been yoyoing since christmas and i can already do and whut and yuuki slack. I started with a $store for a week and bought myself a DMII. here we are a month and a half after I bought it… Am I the only one who learns this fast? Oh and now I’m about to get my Dv888. not even 2 months since I started Yoyoing
Well… I first started when McDonalds gave out yomega fireballs and x-brains with their happy meals. My mom was the manager at the time, so I got all of the yoyos I wanted (from happy meals). When August of 2000 rolled around, I had throwing down, and could do the basics. Then, I just, quit… for 10 years. When I moved to Alaska, I ran into a guy yoyoing at school in 2010. I got to know him, and we became friends. He suggested I get a legacy, which was my first yoyo back from the 10 years.
So… I went from a fireball, and skipped straight to a legacy
I got a Dollar Store yo yo for Christmas too! I broke that right away, so I went to Big 5 and bought a Zombie. Great yo yo!
Thank God for the Dollar Store!