Silicone response pad types (grip, durability, etc)

How many manufacturers offer different “types” of silicone response pads in terms of durability, grippiness, etc? Because I found these YYF response pads:

Which offer the different types of silicone with some pros and cons for each?


The Competition Pad. Red response pads break in very quickly, reach an ideal sweet spot, and then wear out quicker than any other pad. This combination makes them perfect for freestyle competition play, in which you can break them in within minutes and walk on stage ready to go!

Pink & Yellow

The Consistent Pads. These pads are reliable in how consistent it plays as it wears down. Unlike many of the other pads that have a sweet spot once they are broken in, the pink and yellow pads are as good when you first swap them into the yo-yo as they are just before they’re worn down to the core.

Teal & Blue

The Grippy Pads. These pads have a little longer break in period, meaning that they retain that new pad feel for much longer than most other pads. Once broken in, blue and teal pads hold a Medium Response while still holding an overall grippy feel.


The Marathon Pad. The Natural color pads are intended to be the longest lasting pad that we make. Surprisingly they also require very little break in time, no maintenance. Best used in the yo-yo that you take with you wherever you go.


The standard YoYoFactory response pad. White pads come in almost all of our yo-yos when they are brand new because these are the best all-around pads. Whether you use them in preparation for a contest, for a high intensity freestyle, or for just hanging out and throwing, the white pad will play to your standard. Good for all styles of play.

Silicone type clearly affects how grabby the pad is, and how durable it is, that is, how long it takes to wear down over time.

There’s even a helpful graph on the package which illustrates these tradeoffs:

(The green one is not included, it’s the “extra thick for responsives” one, so that line can be ignored.)

Has anyone experimented with different types of silicone in their response pads? Do pros really change pads to the “competition” red right before competing, for example, so the pads break in fast and hit their sweet spot sooner?

Can you “tune” a yo-yo by switching to a grippier silicone pad that wears out faster, or something?


All pads are same. Only colour is different?

^^I can testify that is not true


How do you define performance, and doesn’t it depend on the yo-yo?
I believe performance = how grippy they feel over time.

Thanks for this thread, I’ve found the yyf pad descriptions confusing.

And how the heck do you collect data to even make that graph :roll_eyes:

I will purchase a 10 pack soon, and just use whatever I grab first. You have a point about competition though, I wouldn’t care if some have a longer break in.

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I vote clear. :smiley:

So many variables…

YYJ made pads from 30-80, 30 being the softest and 80 being the hardest - I prefer the 60-80 range personally…I don’t like gummy pads, too bad they’re impossible to find now.

Anyone know of any HARD response pads?

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All yoyo pads are made from rubber. I think the rubber may be soft,hard.i think because of that all pads play different. So @codinghorror is that what are you trying to say in that thread?

I would try out HKMT Grip-I Pads, they’re definitely on the harder side. C3 JP pads are good too.


I will try out the HKMT Grip-I, thank you @YoYoExpertGarrett!


No problem, let us know how you like them! :+1: