i was thinking and hoping that if i used silicone grease on my responsive bearings instead of lube it might transfer to the bearing seat less and stay put in the bearing. anyone know if this is the case, and if so what grease have you had success with?
I don’t really have any issues with lube getting into the bearing seat like I try to clean off the outside of the bearings pretty well and that’s worked fine for me. I have used vaseline to help my deep state respond more when it lost the snappiness I like. Mostly because I have no thick lube lol! I also have chapstick in my FH1 bearings to help those respond right now bc an OG at club told me that works and I wanted to try it. It does work! I’m able to get through some fairly serious 3a tricks with those and still tug respond to return them to hand so I’m a believer.
I swear by Park Tool Poly Grease in my responsive bearings. Just take a tiny amount on the end of a toothpick and stick it between the balls or on the seams of the shields (better to deshield). It lasts a long time and isn’t very messy if you’re careful. One tube will last a lifetime.
I disassembled a bearing from a butterfly XT, those are LOADED with silicone and are… VERY responsive lol.
@DocPop talks about silicone grease in this video at about 4:45
yes grease lasts a bit longer in a bearing it also slows the bearing a bit more but that can be more fun to be honest.
I actually apply Silicone grease this way.
Open yoyo, Place a dab of grease on side of bearing, screw back together and play.
Some grease stays in the bearing seat.
thanks for the ideas gang!
maybe it’s just cuz i used 3 in 1. got my buddy into throwing so i let him borrow my thick lube. i do have chapstick though so I’ll give it a whirl
I use 3 in 1 and I remove the bearing to and apply it on top of a paper towel. I haven’t found any in the seat this way.
Also; Silicone ftw! I remove one shield and pack it in tough and it usually has great, consistent, response for a few months.

I use danco silicone grease or traxxas. Both work great
I was using silicone grease in my Duncan hornets for a while, especially working on hop the fence stuff
Yeah especially in like a transaxle cause those need something to respond well
I highly recommend Superlube grease. I take the shields off and pack it in with the tip of a toothpick. Any bearing loaded with that will also turn any Yoyo responsive if you are in the mood to make stupid responsives like my DD Assassin responsive.
Agreed this is what I got in all my bearings