What is your opinion on the shutter elite Vs titanium. Do you think one is better than the other? What are the differences? Is one more powerful the the other?
Shutter elite bimetal or the shutter elite ti?
I don’t have an evo, but the shutter elite is a better shutter wide angle. It’s lighter on the string and plays faster/more agile and has quite a bit more stability and power than the wide angle if that helps.
Never owned either, but the Evo is notorious for having shifting rims. The Elite - to my knowledge - does not.
I love my evo but it comes with a rim shifting tool.
On the Evo, the rims do shift a lot. They are pushed as far to the outside as possible. The elite does not have this issue…Both yo-yos are good at performance but the elite is definitely the better yoyo overall for sure
I know about the rings shifting on the Evo but I was wandering does pushing the rings as close to the rim as possible and putting as much weight there help it in play? Is it more stable or more powerful then the elite ? Or is the elite better at that even without the weight being concerned at the very rim
More rim weight and it will spin longer and generally be sluggish on the string. That is compared to the overall weight and it’s factored into the design of the yoyo. It should also be noted that the body in the rim area will also factor into this as well. With each design, the designers are learning new tricks to adjust the weight distribution of bi-metals. The new Luftverk bi-metal has the rim at the edge but the ti ring is hollow so it changes up the weight distribution.
Own(ed) both and snagged right at original release. My two cents:
Shutter EVO is probably the most flat out POWERFUL bimetal I’ve ever thrown but the rims do shift. And not just when you bang it. Bc it’s so powerful you end up binding with way more spin left than you think and the hard catches in your hand will shift the rims a little each time. You have to constantly realign with the tool to keep vibe in check. Plus all that power causes that issue (there’s a name for it that I can’t recall) where the yo-yo sort of pulls the string tighter around bearing while it’s unwinding. And the yo-yo will end up coming inward toward you (on a front style throw) on an angle instead of down and away from you. Takes a totally diff technique to throw it properly. Plus it was &160 retail. Overpriced. Cool idea that just isn’t practical. My opinion is take a pass. You’re not missing much.
Shutter Elite: Gentry said he wanted to make the best bimetal ever and avoid all the typical issues many of them have. I personally think he did just that. The rims are moved slightly in from the edge which compliments the natural mid weight inner foil design of the mono shutters. It’s crazy powerful too but much lighter on the string. It’s floaty when you want and can also really move when you push it. I think it’s also the most stable bimetal I’ve ever tried. Also is a tad wider that the Shwangle with basically the same profile. With agility speed and power to spare I’d personally put it up there with the Hummingbird, OG Exia, and any other of the best playing bimetals ever made. If it were made by a craft brand instead of YYF it would be sold out everywhere.
Just my two cents.
Thank you for the compassion
Nice! What are your thoughts on both and which one do you prefer?
That is what is generally referred to as kickback or throwback.
The reason is the massive rimweight, correct. But the mechanism is different. Due to the yoyo’s high inertia its angular velocity (or RPM) is lower than that of a less rimweighted yoyo given a constant energy of rotation (basically defined the same throw energy).
Ok I would like to say that both are very good yoyos but I think the shutter elite is better then the shutter elite ti. I am very curious how different materials makes a yoyo feel. The difference between a titanium a tiss and a normal bimetal like the ti sunbird tiss hummingbird and hummingbird (unfortunately I don’t have the sunbird)
or 6061vs titanium like the crosscut vs shortcut
and I was really excited about the latest luftverk experiment with plastic and titanium with the Stelvia.
Naturally when I got the chance to try another set of yoyos that have similar designs but different materials I was very curious.
So like I did with the bird family of yoyos I dived into Gentry Stein signature series of yoyos
The original shutter (I have the 65g version not the haveier 67g) was a great yoyo and I really understand what the hype about it was back in 2014 (although at a time I was just starting getting into yoyo and I choose to buy a horizon over a shutter) but it always felt a bit too narrow for me. The shutter wide angle really fixed that (I have the 66g version that Gentry used to win in 2019 not the original release 64g version) the shape feels familiar like the original but better. It is miles better for finger grinds because the wider design allows the yoyo to touche less of the finger. Since I liked the shutter wide angle so much naturally I always wanted to try a titanium version of it. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a ti wide angle but with the release of the shutter elite and Ti shutter elite I got the chance to try a titanium yoyo with the shape of the shutter. When I looked at pictures online I always felt like the cup design of the shutter won’t translate really well in titanium. Because it is using so much material in the centre it would place too much weight there.
After trying the yoyo i think I was right. Titanium is much heavier then aluminium so making the cup design out of titanium places a lot of wight in the centre and you have no choice but to reduce the weight on the rims of the yoyo to maintain the overall weight of the yoyo at a manageable level. As a comparison I think the shutter elite ti have a comparable level of power with a metatron cube (the ti elite is 66.8 g and the cube is 61 so 5.8g difference between them. The cube is much more nimble on the string because in my opinion is using the property of titanium better)
The cup design simply takes to mutch wight off the rims of the yoyo in my opinion. This doesn’t mean that it is a bad yoyo just that compared with other titanium yoyo it doesn’t take advantage the best of the materials like the ultima(64g) or metatron cube for example.
In the shutter line up I think I would place the shutter elite ti above the shutter wide angle but below the normal shutter elite. The shutter elite being made out of aluminium that is lighter doesn’t concentrate so much weight in the cap area and the steel rings please enough weight on the rims to make the yoyo powerful and feel great for its weight
Fantastic write up. I was wondering how the design would translate since they decided to keep the specs the same.
I haven’t tried any of these throw but what I will say is that the Evo will be much more powerful due to design where it over hangs. But it is not very durable at all. I’d say if you want a pure powerful throw the most powerful you can get go with Evo, but the elite is an overall better throw id’s say for compition and just over all use, wider, more menouvarable and best of all cheaper and now durable