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Neat idea. Probably not for one July. I’m not trying to make it no july


Use a yo-yo you’d like to watch disintegrate while spinning lol

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It would float…and spray most likely. Wear protective gear.


Definitely would spray, mercury has a funky effect on aluminum, you should look it up on YouTube

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Wow, that is interesting. Never heard about metal amalgamation. Gives some more tangible backing to the word for me now.

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You think it would cause vibe? :rofl:

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The aluminum definitely takes the brunt of it. Though, I’d guess if the oxide layer protects the AL, ano might totally insulate it from amalgamating.

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Ano would most likely insulate it I think too, would have to be a freshly sanded throw I think, if I remember correctly any oxide layer inhibits that process greatly

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Still cool though. I remember in junior high the earth science teacher passed a beaker of Hg around with a rock floating in it. Half of the kids (me included) were not careful about avoiding touching it. I think I even dipped my pen into it to see if it would “plate” it somehow. I can hear voices in my head saying “that explains a lot” haha.

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That’s really cool, I’ve never had the opportunity to mess with the stuff myself, I saw a video once of a large anvil floating in a pool of mercury, extremely buoyant like a life jacket in water, that was pretty wild

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Today’s two locations:


I love the color of that dynames

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Amazing. IIRC the rock was floating at the top like it was a balloon on water. I didn’t imagine mercury was that much more dense than steel, but I guess it is.



Looks like a great place to chill. :smiley::+1:

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No-Jive yo-yos are so nice.


I’d like to own one someday, along with a few other Tom Kuhn yo-yos


Throwing at the grill this is the aftermath.


Love that place! Used to go all the time

throw it on the burgers

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