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Don’t mess around. Kill the mains and disconnect the incoming voltage. Should do the trick.


your microwave has a dial? mine just has buttons =[


Treat every machine like it’s straight out of maximum overdrive and always wear your high viz


Obviously, I know we’re all joking, pretty much in this thread. But to me, what’s really funny, is that there is no way to start a microwave when the door is open. The latch on the door has to click in the lock position to activate the circuitry that allows the unit to function.

I never said, I climbed all the way inside the microwave and close the door behind me.
For a reason more simple than you guys would imagine.

First of all, there’s no escape latch on the inside.

Secondly, the only way I can completely fit inside the microwave is if I take my new balance, tennis shoes off.

…. I found from experience that I don’t get a powerful throwdown without my shoes on. So that possibility just went out the window. Or out the door I should say.

And besides that, every time I try to climb in the microwave to get in a little practice, one of the grandkids wants to make some microwave popcorn.

The last time we tried to do two things at once I had butter in my ears for 11 days, and I couldn’t go into a grocery store and past the produce department without running up to the endcap corn display.

Fact is stranger than friction.


Was your yo-yo ‘Dead unresponsive’?

Or, as your yo-yo slowed down, maybe it tilted as the spin Died?


I figured you could take care of yourself, I was actually just concerned about the yo-yo.


I was going to joke further but then I though how likely it is these days that someone may actually try to do what I was joking about…so I refrain


I feel like the YouTube channel from back in the day “will it microwave” had to have done a yoyo at some point. There has to be some idiot who already documented why it’s dumb so we can watch and marvel at the idiocracy.


Yeah, but then, the whole time I’m watching I’ll just think to myself, “Man, this person knows how to have hecka fun”

Hey I got an old blender the wife has decided she hates and a watioboo yoyo that would be perfect for a quick YYBC will it blend yoyo edition. I’m even mildly unhinged this week while I sort out some medication issues :wink:

(Don’t do this at home. I am a professional idiot and any yoyo harmed probably deserved it)


Also to get the thread back on track I’m just throwing at home in my office


Do it, you won’t! And video tape it so I can rudely and snidely comment on how you’re enjoying life while also secretly wishing I could do this

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Your right i first have to confirm the wife doesn’t actually want the blender and is just saying it’s days are done cause she is grumpy. I’ve learned if u don’t confirm first I may regret my actions. Lol

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Enjoying life AND smart?! I’m sick! Disgusted! Absolutely revolted at how well you’re doing :joy:

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I just fake it till I make it. If folks think I’m smart then I’m smart right?


AND HUMBLE?! How dare you flaunt all these positive characteristics to us throwing degenerates :joy:

I’m in Colfax.


Colfax. Neat looking stuff there.

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That is a really neat looking place.

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