If anyone is interested, tag BoomerYoyoClub on Instagram on your holiday themed yoyo pics! Doesn’t have to be artsy, it would just be cool to have a running holiday photo story.
I’ve been into yo-yo photography for the past few days, here are my pics in order from oldest to newest.
Oh awesome display case, I’m actually a woodworker when my health isn’t on the fritz, and on the good days I now intend to build one of these now that I know it exists! Thanks for the inspiration!
Was awaiting @Cupcakesryummy to come out of the grocery store and snapped these pics of my current favorite throw she got me and thought they were post worthy.

Dope photo
Thank you, that unearthed colorway is so beautiful for photography
I used to mess with digital slr a lot but I am so sick of computers I kinda got away from it, I miss it, especially when I have to take photos wit my pos phone, but not enough to buy a new computer.
Haven’t posted in this thread in a while, was looking at some older pics and thought I would share these…
I posted it here years ago Current RSO Gravity setup - #61 by Exmime
Also some creamy Bokeh on this Parlay