New run is coming out soon. So i will have a cheif. Way to act like a 5 year old. Mommy buy you all your wittwe yoyos?
Got another new one.
-28 Stories Edition Campfire
New run is coming out soon. So i will have a cheif. Way to act like a 5 year old. Mommy buy you all your wittwe yoyos?
Got another new one.
-28 Stories Edition Campfire
Here’s my Grizzleybear/Clowntown peak with his buddies.
I make and sell the stand pictured. PM me for details.
Here’s my current clyw yoyos, and the skywalker is just there cause it’s awesome 8)
nice chief ^ just wondering did anyone till now win the pali puffin gnar for the chief
I know someone won just dont remember the name…
The fools gold yo in purples purty nice…
…amazing anodising!
I know someone won just dont remember the name…
Someone came on the forums asking how he claimed his prize… Im pretty skeptical on whether that is legit or not. There are instructions on how to redeem your free chief on a piece of paper inside the box with the gnarwhal. Now if this person has bought a CLYW before, he knows that they generally dont come with paper. I mean if you notice you got the puffin, and then saw a piece of paper, wouldnt you put 1 and 1 together?
Ive tried contacting him as well to see what color gnarwhal it was, but no response.
Only one currently.
No pics Campfire goosebay edition
Double Dragon 66.2g Chief
Musket (Eggplant) 65g Chief
Wow. I am really excited about that Double Dragon Chief! Is that purple silicone? :o
Wow. I am really excited about that Double Dragon Chief! Is that purple silicone? :o
…yep, Monkey Finger - Monkey Snot. These photo’s don’t do the Double Dragon justice either, it’s quite a looker.