Short vs Long Yoyo String

Do you use short or long yoyo string and why? I prefer a shorter string because its much easier to land tricks consistently and learn new tricks, it makes everything smoother, and the yoyo moves faster.


I use kitty string fat polyester. I keep it the full length. Is this considered long string? Honestly not sure what most other people use these days. I’ve stuck with this string setup for years and haven’t changed.


Full length kitty would definitely be on the long side


I don’t know if what I do is considered long or not. I usually do it about three fingers above my belly button. I used to measure it right up to my belly button, but I’ve changed that and have been liking the longer length better.

It changes for different yoyos, though. For some I like shorter string and others I like longer string. For fixed axles, I think I like the string to be a little shorter.

I think I like the longer string length for the same but opposite reason you quote the shorter length: it slows things down a bit, makes it a little more laid back when throwing.


Yo what the heck? That’s real long :joy:


When I ask about long or short I’m not really talking about when measured to one’s belly button cause someone that is 7 ft would have a belly button that is much higher than someone that is 5 ft…I’m talking about actual string length


I’m 6ft 5, so that’s maybe a reason I like long string. I’ve got plenty of height where the yo-yo won’t hit the ground. It also gives me more spin time since the yo-yo accelerates for more time when I throw it. I definitely notice a loss of accuracy though when I do Eli Hops or something with the full string length. If I’m doing something like that I usually rotate my wrist/fingers a few times to wrap up the string and temporarily shorten it for that trick.


Perhaps I’ve misunderstood but isn’t string length all relative anyway. Like a short string to a tall person is going to be a long strong for a short person.
If we say the distance from the floor to the belly button is “standard” length then stuff like X amount of fingers the belly button is probably the best way to judge if someone is using a long or short string.


Yeah its all relative. Thats why I’m saying actual string length and not whats relative to whats long or short compared to each individual. Like I’m 5’8 or so and tie my string right above my belly button and love how that length plays… But… Someone that is 7 ft could also use this same length string and enjoy how that plays. If I cut my string at my belly button and someone 7 ft cut theirs at their belly button… Then my string would still naturally allow for my tricks to be more consistent, easier, and faster… because my string is much shorter even though both our strings were cut at belly button.


It varies for certain yoyos and styles. Really short on the 2A loopers around 76cm. 90-105cm on Fixed Axles for 0A play. Modern Responsive metals for hybrid play around 100cm. My standard 1A length is around 113-115cm pre stretch. String length can definitely effect a throws feel so there is no canned answer here. Small diameter yoyos I play shorter than large diameter just so the proportions match. On an EDC I also go a little shorter so I’m not bouncing off the concrete. I’m 6’1" (185cm) in height for reference.


Long string all the way. I keep mine at chest height :sweat_smile:


How tall are you?

Yeah totally agree so if we’re both using string that is measured from the floor to our belly buttons then we’re both using the same size string even though we’re different heights. I’m not gonna ever really be throwing using someone else’s string so the exact size doesn’t really matter right? Again sorry of I’m misunderstanding its late where I’m at right now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Edit: also just to mention we should take into account people’s arm lengths are different depending on their height. So if we all used the same exact length it would play different to all of us




No if we are both using string that is measured from the floor to our belly buttons then we are not using the same size string BECAUSE we are different heights haha.

Exact size actually does matter… Cause that will dictate how your yoyo plays and performs tricks.

I dont think arm length would effect how the yoyo plays in terms of string length… If you got long arms that just means your yoyo will be even closer to the floor.

I just added an edit that you might have missed. Exact string length would play very different. A tall person would naturally have longer arms so hitting tricks on a short string would be awkward and they would want to make it longer to make it easier

Height doesn’t really dictate arm length… There are many people that are short with longer reach than someone tall. Also… I don’t really think that having long arms would mean you would need longer string… Take a trick like Brent stole for example… No matter if you are tall or short… Using a really long string to hit a Brent stole would take much more energy and effort as well as be much slower than hitting this same trick with a short string. That would have nothing to do with how long your arms are


I use 130 cm string. Long string opens up more possibilities for zoning tricks and complex tech. I don’t think it affects horizontal too badly because you can just wrap. The big drawback for me is I am still way worse at hooks on this length of string compared to short.


Can you explain why having long arms would make using a short string to do tricks harder? Wouldn’t hand size play more of a factor?

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