Share Your Favorite Drink (Excludes All Alcoholic Beverages)

Doctor Pepper all the way

Sometimes Pibb Extra

I love Dr Browns Cherry

And i like cream soda

I take mine back wild cherry juice

I like hard cider and pina coladas. I also dont mind white wine every now and then, but beer will always be king.

loljk im underage i totally dont know what any of that stuff tastes like. but for seriouses, i like Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke.

I like monster, pretty well. But nothing beats a fresh pot of joe (100% Colombian usually). Just slap some French vanilla creamer in there along with a bit of sugar… Mmmm…

Monster is good, I’ve had a can or two. But after I heard about how unhealthy it is and the deaths caused by the overload of caffeine I haven’t touched one since. Even if my older brother offers me just a sip.

I like Pibb and Coke Cherry…

lol, people have does by drinking water too… :wink:

I forgot to mention, my mom makes killer sweet iced tea. Not literally killer as in “it’ll kill you if you consume”, but killer in the slang adjective, stating its “appealing”

Arizona Sweet Tea

Careful, a lot of other countries think it tastes like medicine. Here is a list of my favorites :

Root beer. Virgils brand. If I can get my hands on the special bavarian nutmeg edition all the better.

Bundaberg peachee soda. Can you say delicious?

Ginger beer. The stronger the better. Canada dry is weak, but still decent.

Gatorade cucumber lime. On a hot day if it’s ice cold. So good.


The pic is some of my favorites, with those listed front and center. Unfortunately I have for the most part stopped soda consumption.

Milk tea with egg pudding and small tapioca. I get this drink at least 2 times a week.

Czech version of cola, made in 1960s as alternative to capitalistic Coca-Cola :slight_smile: I prefer it.

I went to this one subway once, and it had crush cherry as a beverage
I haven’t found I ever since and I’m craving it again


this stuff is amazing! Probably my favorite soda

Blue ribbon 24 oz ftw

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anyone heard of water? its really good stuff!


red bull, Red Bull, & more RED BULL!!!

I put redbull in my coffee this morning instead of water… I can now see sounds

Yeah, I’ve heard of it.

My body normally prefers to be filled at least 70% with it. :slight_smile:

Mello yellow and you cant even get it where i live in ny i have to Pennsylvania to get it